European Mobile Traffic Leak to Chinese Network For Two Hours []
Large BGP Leak Hits European Mobile Carriers []
A large chunk of EU mobile traffic was rerouted through China TelecomSecurity Affairs []
Large European routing leak sends traffic through China Telecom []
BGP event sends European mobile traffic through China Telecom for 2 hours []
BGP: Safe Host (AS21217) leaked 70k+ routes to China Telecom (AS4134) by @DougMadory [most impacted EU networks incl Swisscom (AS3303), KPN (AS1130), Bouygues Telecom (AS5410), Numericable-SFR (AS21502); black eye for China Telcom professionalism]
— Daniel Bilar (@daniel_bilar) June 7, 2019
For two hours June 6th, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China! It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of "hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries." #BGP #CyberSecurity #NatSec
— Tho she be little, she be fierce (@warriors_mom) June 7, 2019
It was China Telecom. Again. The same ISP accused last year of "hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries."
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 7, 2019
October 2018 story:
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China
— Karol Cummins (@karolcummins) June 8, 2019
It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of "hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries."
gimme a Gee
— Manan ??♂️ (@manan) June 8, 2019
gimme a Dee
they took a Pee on privacy
now gimme an Arr
For the more technical readers, here's a more in-depth report for yesterday's incident:
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 7, 2019
China Telecom Swallows Huge Amount of European Mobile Traffic For Over Two Hours - Gizmodo
— Michael Ron Bowling (@mrbcyber) June 8, 2019
On the Large BGP Leak that hit European Mobile Carriers and rerouted data to China & Russia. We’ve seen this before says @Wired #decipher #deciphersec
— Pippa Malmgren (@DrPippaM) June 7, 2019
Recently a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China Telecom
— Eric Vanderburg (@evanderburg) June 8, 2019
Recently a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China Telecom
— Nicolas Krassas (@Dinosn) June 8, 2019
Recently a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China Telecom
— 420 Cyber, Inc. (@420Cyber) June 8, 2019
Recently a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China Telecom: by Security Affairs #infosec #software #technology
— Infosec Alevski ??️♂️ (@Alevskey) June 8, 2019
It happened again: over 70K router leaked last Jun 6th and traffic sent to #china. #BGP #security #MANRS. Read this post on @apnic
— Luca Cicchelli (@lucacicchelli) June 8, 2019
by @DougMadory
BGP route leaks still remain a major problem. European routing leak sends traffic through China Telecom.
— Chris Wysopal (@WeldPond) June 7, 2019
Yes, yes, I keep banging on about BGP, but here’s another story for you
— Alan Woodward (@ProfWoodward) June 8, 2019
Last night, around 70,000 routes were leaked from a European data centre to China Telecom, some for over two hours, reports @DougMadory #BGP #netsec
— APNIC (@apnic) June 7, 2019
For two hours yesterday, a big part of European mobile Internet traffic was rerouted through China #cybersecurity #BGP
— Elena Neira (@elenaneira) June 7, 2019
Yesterday (6 June 2019), Swiss data centre co-location company Safe Host (AS21217) leaked over 70,000 routes to China Telecom (AS4134) in Frankfurt, Germany, some for over two hours.
— Frank Denis (@jedisct1) June 7, 2019
More "route leaks" to China Telecom.
— cyberwar (@cyberwar) June 7, 2019
Thread: For 2 hours, much #European mobile traffic was rerouted through #China - It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries for Chinese intelligence gathering - Via @code_blind
— IndoPacific_SCS_Info (@IndoPac_Info) June 8, 2019
For 2 hours large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China. It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of "hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries." @ZDNet @evankirstel @sarbjeetjohal
— Bill Mew (12 June #LTW #TechXLR8 chair & keynote) (@BillMew) June 7, 2019
For two hours yesterday, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 7, 2019
— Bright—真善狠 (@CallofDutyNow00) June 8, 2019
一篇學術論文指責中國電信“ 劫持西方國家重要的互聯網骨幹 :中國政府正在利用當地互聯網服務提供商進行情報收集,系統地劫持BGP路線,以便通過其國家重新路由西部交通,然後在那裡進行記錄以供日後分析。
This is why #Huawei amongst others are are a necessary candidates for diligent scrutiny. For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China #huaweiban #Huawei #infosec
— Ronan Murphy (@Smarttech01) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China | ZDNet > It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of “hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries.”
— PrivacyDigest (@PrivacyDigest) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China via @ZDNet & @campuscodi
— Robert Alai (@RobertAlai) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) June 7, 2019
Hmm >>
— John Koetsier (@johnkoetsier) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through #China#Huaweu #ZTE #infosec
— Shaggy Dude (@akubot) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China
— DΛNIΞL ? (@hypoweb) June 7, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China | ZDNet
— Boycott China Hegemony (@BoycottHegemony) June 8, 2019
BGP mishap sends European mobile traffic through China Telecom for 2 hours | Ars Technica
— Bidatzi (@bidatzi) June 8, 2019
BGP event sends European mobile traffic through China Telecom for 2 hours
— Dan Goodin (@dangoodin001) June 8, 2019
BGP mishap sends European mobile traffic through China Telecom for 2 hours | Ars Technica
— Jacek Bartosiak (@BartosiakJacek) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) June 8, 2019
It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of "hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries."
SafeHost AS21217 accused to leak routes for two hours to China Telecom AS4134.
— Fredy Künzler (@kuenzler) June 9, 2019
Journalists: please read the original blog post by @DougMadory before copy-pasting @golem!
”For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China”
— Richard Oehme (@RichardOehme) June 8, 2019
For 2 Hours, a Large Chunk of European #Mobile Traffic was Rerouted through China as Leaks over 70,000 Routes #BGP #infosec
— Neira Jones (@neirajones) June 9, 2019
Thread: For 2 hours, much #European mobile traffic was rerouted through #China - It was China Telecom, again. The same ISP accused last year of hijacking the vital internet backbone of western countries for Chinese intelligence gathering ????
— IndoPacific_SCS_Info (@IndoPac_Info) June 9, 2019
China telecom has repeatedly sent #BGP packets that cause western internet traffic to be routed through china. Some American and Israli scientists claim this is intentional attack while others think it's an accident.
— Chris Hanlon (@ChrisHanlonCA) June 9, 2019 #infosec #cybersecurity #databreach
European mobile traffic was rerouted for few hours to China because of a BGP route leak. #BGP #EU #ISP #datacenter #cybersecurity
— Cyber Resilient Group (@CRGTech) June 8, 2019
Nevermind Mahathir. It really doesn't matter. They'll get your data one way or another.
— Gen (Ret) Rob Spalding (@robert_spalding) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China | ZDNet #mobile
— Richard Bell (@securityspeak) June 8, 2019
For 2 Hours, a Large Chunk of European #Mobile Traffic was Rerouted through China as Leaks over 70,000 Routes⠀ ⠀#BGP #infosec
— Neira Jones (@neirajones) June 9, 2019
짱깨들이 유럽 모바일 트래픽을 중공으로 하이재킹하고 있습니다. 이와중에도 화웨이 장비 미군기지에만 안쓰면 된다는 빨괭이새끼들. 백본에 올라탄 장비가 패킷 몽땅 우회시켜서 목적지로 전송할께 불보듯 뻔하지 않냐?
— CHIRRUTE (@Chirrute_imwe) June 8, 2019
해리스대사님 저것들 다 잡아가셔여~
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China #Infoswec
— #AI (@AI__TECH) June 8, 2019
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through China | ZDNet @ChuckDBrooks @mclynd @gvalan @DrJDrooghaag @AlaricAloor @Fabriziobustama @jdelacruz_IoT @fogle_shane @ElJefeDSecurIT @StephaneNappo
— Philippe Vynckier (@PVynckier) June 8, 2019
I don't know details about BGP, but think article definitely highlights why the security standard needs updating.
— John Atti (@thejohnatti) June 8, 2019
BGP event sends European mobile traffic through China Telecom for 2 hours @arstechnica
— ThousandEyes (@thousandeyes) June 8, 2019