ment 6/9 '19 posted

• RBI(인도준비은행, Reserve Bank of India)는 6 월 4 일 정부 법안 초안에 대해 공식적으로 관여하지 않았다고 주장하면서, 은행이 새 법에 대해 중앙 정부와 아무런 연락도하지 않고 법안 사본을 받지 못했다고 주장했습니다.
• "심리 가능하고 보석 불가"로 간주되면 그 위반은 새로운 규칙을 어긴 사람들에게 10 년의 징역형을 선고할 수 있습니다.
• Subhash Chandra Garg 경제국 장관은 법안 초안을 작성하는 패널을 이끌고 있습니다.
• 이 초안은 크립토 통화 (cryptocurrencies)를 다루는 사람들에 대한 엄격한 행동을 제안했지만, 인도에 공식 디지털 통화의 도입을 지지합니다.
• '디지털 루피'는 인도 준비 은행(RBI) 중앙위원회와 협의한 후에 소개될 예정입니다.
• 블룸버그 퀸트 (Bloomberg Quint)에 따르면 "법안에 따라 피고인에게 부과되는 처벌은 시스템에 초래된 손실의 3 배가 되거나 그로 인한 이익의 3 배 중 높은 것이 된다.

Indian lawmakers have reportedly proposed to enforce a 10-year jail term for citizens who deal…
Indian Lawmakers Propose Adoption of 10-Year Jail Term for Crypto Dealings []
Source: iStock/Radiokukka India is not showing any signs of loosening its limitations on…
New Draft Bill Wants to Imprison for Holding Crypto in India - Report []
India has proposed a jail term of one to 10 years for those who mine, hold or sell…
India Proposes 10-Year Jail for Cryptocurrency Use, May Introduce Its Own Digital Currency []
Anybody in India dealing in cryptocurrencies will be sent to jail for 10 years, says a…
10-year jail for buying, selling cryptocurrency in India: Report []
New Delhi: Holding, selling or dealing in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin could soon land you…
Draft law proposes 10-year jail term for dealing in cryptocurrency []
India may become the first major country in the world to criminalize the mining, holding or…
Nationalist India Proposes a Ten Year Prison Sentence for Bitcoin Possession []
Well, India obviously feels it has something to prove. Purportedly, its latest draft bill on…
India Reportedly Proposes 10-Years In Prison For Holding Bitcoin []
The proposed deal is will double down on those holding, mining, buying or selling digital assets.…
India’s crypto ban draft bill suggests 10-year jail term for those dealing in cryptocurrencies []
India has proposed a jail term of one to 10 years for those who mine, hold or sell…
Indian Govt Proposes A 10-year Jail Sentence for using Cryptocurrencies []
India has proposed a draft bill banning cryptocurrency trading, which could impose…
India’s draft bill proposes a 10-year jail sentence for using cryptocurrencies []

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6/9 '19 answered

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