ment 6/9 '19 posted

• 그러나 이것은 특히 대형 하이테크 기업과 권력을 둘러싼 정치적 레토릭이 2020 년 선거에서 격화하는 가운데, 투자자가 이러한 주식에 앞뒤 안가리고 무모하게 달려들어야 한다는 것을 의미하지 않습니다.

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FAANG stocks displayed at the Nasdaq.Adam Jeffery | CNBCWashington's apparent assault on big tech…
Big tech's antitrust fears give investors a rare chance to buy Facebook, Amazon on the cheap []
Big companies living under the shadow of looming antitrust investigations typically tread warily,…
Big Tech, unfazed by antitrust threat, continues its acquisition spree -Â Axios []

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6/9 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/9 '19 answered

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