ment 6/8 '19 posted

• 헤지 펀드 엘리엇 매니지먼트 (Elliott Management Corp.)가 인수할 거래가 가까워지고있습니다.
• 그 일환으로 억만 장자의 Paul Singer가 설립하고 이끄는 Elliott가 영국 최대의 서점 Waterstones을 지난해 인수했습니다.

After struggling for a decade in the era of Amazon ascendance, Barnes & Noble will be going…
Barnes & Noble Going Private []
Barnes & Noble Inc. is nearing a deal to be bought by hedge fund Elliott Management…
Barnes & Noble Nearing Deal to Be Acquired by Elliott Management []
Barnes & NobleMichael Nagle | Bloomberg | Getty ImagesActivist firm Elliott Management…
Elliott Management to acquire Barnes & Noble for $683 million []
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6/8 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/8 '19 answered

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