ment 6/7 '19 posted

• 이 보고서는 페이스북이 여러 기술 회사와 금융 기관에 재단에 자금을 제공하고 네트워크 관리를 돕기 위해 이미 연락했다고 보도했습니다.
• 소셜 네트워킹 업계의 거물은 지난 달 보고서에 따르면 비트 코인 (bitcoin)과 같은 크립토통화 (cryptocurrencies)를 지원하는 기술인 지불 및 블록 체인 (blockchain)에 집중하기 위해 스위스에 회사를 설립했습니다.

David Marcus, vice president of Messaging Products at Facebook, speaks on stage during the annual…
Facebook cryptocurrency coming in June: report []
Facebook Inc. may launch its long-rumored cryptocurrency as soon as the end of this month,…
Report: Facebook could launch its own cryptocurrency before month's end []
Facebook is set to announce its cryptocurrency later this month, and will reportedly even allow the…
Facebook Preps GlobalCoin Launch []
Facebook, the social media giant that has been lurching from crisis to crisis in recent years, is…
Facebook's Radical Bitcoin-Beating Cryptocurrency Plans Revealed []

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6/7 '19 answered

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