Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news []
Twitter acquires deep learning startup Fabula AI to fight fake news []
Twitter bags deep learning talent behind London startup, Fabula AI []
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, aims to 'improve health of the conversation' []
Twitter Acquired Fabula AI to Continue Its Push Toward Platform Health []
Twitter buys Fabula AI, machine learning start-up that can detect network manipulation []
? We're excited to announce @Fabula_AI is joining Twitter! They'll bring their machine learning talent to help us grow our research team and graph deep learning technology to improve the health of the conversation on Twitter. Welcome to the flock!
— Twitter Engineering (@TwitterEng) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula #AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news via @VentureBeat
— Martin Ford (@MFordFuture) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires #Fabula AI, a #MachineLearning startup that helps spot #fakenews. #AI #BigData #Journalism #Algorithms
— Silicon Talent (@silicontalent) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news
— Paul Greenberg (@paulgreenberg) June 3, 2019
#Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a #MachineLearning #Startup that helps spot fake news
— Observatore (@Observatore2) June 3, 2019
via @Observatore2 @VentureBeat#AI #FakeNews #Transparency
Twitter acquires #Fabula #AI,
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) June 3, 2019
a #MachineLearning #startup that helps spot #FakeNews #fintech @VentureBeat @PSAWERS #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning @VentureBeat @fabula_ai
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news via @VentureBeat
— CKJ (@CKJCryptonews) June 3, 2019
트위터, 가짜 뉴스를 분간하는 기계학습 스타트업 Fabula AI 인수. 인수조건은 아직 밝혀지지 않아. 2018년 설립된 이 회사, '기하학적 딥 러닝'으로 불리는 특허 출원된 기술의 AI 시스템 개발. 이는 소셜 네트워크에서 수집한 크고 복잡한 데이터로부터 학습하는 알고리즘.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news #AI
— ODAIA (@odaiaAI) June 3, 2019
— Kohei Ando (@jackkoheiando) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news @VentureBeatさんから
— 立薗理彦 (@mshk) June 3, 2019
Wait, so acquihires of AI startups is still a thing?
— Matt Turck (@mattturck) June 3, 2019
#Twitter bags deep learning talent behind London startup, Fabula AI.#BritishDigitalChamber #Al #London #Digital #Industry40 #technation #startups #UK #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning
— British Digital Chamber of Commerce (@BDCC_Official) June 3, 2019
Twitter bags deep learning talent behind London startup, Fabula AI | They help detect manipulation on social networks.
— Manish Maheshwari मनीष माहेश्वरी (@manishm345) June 3, 2019
.@Twitter acquires #DeepLearning talent behind #London startup @FabulaAI #tech company with #tech to identify online #disinformation#FakeNews #MachineLearning #ML #AI #ethics #startups #cybernetics #deception
— Susan Schreiner (@c4trends) June 3, 2019
via @techcrunch MT @c4trends
#Twitter bags deep learning talent behind London startup, @fabula_ai #machinelearning #nlp #alexa #deeplearning #skill #scientist #bigdata #artificialintelligence #amazon #apple #facebook #it #cloud #cloudcomputing
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, aims to 'improve health of the conversation' by @ldignan
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) June 3, 2019
This #machinelearning start-up picks up fake news on #socialmedia #artificialintelligence #HANthemes
— hanetf (@hanetf) June 4, 2019
SMA one of six preferred Twitter Finance partners is excited about the continued improvements to the platform #Twitter @Twitter #machinelearning #NLP #Bigdata
— Social Market Analytics, Inc. (SMA) (@SMA_alpha) June 4, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news - VentureBeat #machinelearning #ai #technology
— Milo Camacho (@milocamj) June 3, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DataScience #Twitter #StartUp
— The Tesseract Academy (@TesseractAcade1) June 4, 2019
Twitter acquires Fabula AI, a machine learning startup that helps spot fake news #News #Bibleprophecy #Truth #Knowledge #Wisdom #Economist #Endtimes #Revelation
— Clinton Kowach (@clintonkowach) June 3, 2019
[#AI #fakenews] Twitter has just announced it has picked up London-based Fabula AI. The startup has been developing technology to try to identify online disinformation by looking at patterns in how fake stuff vs genuine news spreads online.
— Christophe Tricot (@ctricot) June 4, 2019
Twitter bags deep learning talent behind London startup, Fabula AI#Twitter #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #TechNews #technology #deeptech
— DeepTechWire (@DeepTechWire) June 3, 2019
Twitter just announced the acquisition of #FabulaAI – a machine learning research startup. Fabula works to weed out fake news, misinformation and network manipulation. #twittersmarter #FakeNews #FakeNewsMedia
— Kristy Gillentine Callaway #SMDayHou (@KrisGillentine) June 4, 2019