ment 6/2 '19 posted

• 또한 MediaTek의 5G SoC는 ARM이 최근 발표한 Cortex-A77 CPU와 Mali-G77 GPU를 탑재한 최초의 칩이 될 것입니다.

By Stephen Nellis(Reuters) - Taiwan-based chip supplier MediaTek Inc on Wednesday released a new 5G…
MediaTek aims to take on Qualcomm with new 5G chip []
We’re still in the early days of 5G, but if you take a quick look around the smartphone world,…
MediaTek's New 5G-Ready Chip Is Exactly the Kind of Competition Qualcomm Needs []
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. …
ARM Announces New Cortex-A77 CPU Architecture []
Today MedaTek is making quite an unusual announcement: The company is the first…
MediaTek Announces 7nm 5G With Cortex-A77 CPU, Mali-G77 GPU Coming []
MediaTek has officially introduced its latest 5G modem Helio M70, as promised earlier…
MediaTek announces Helio M70 5G modem []

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6/2 '19 answered

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