ment 6/1 '19 posted

• 미국 밀레니얼 세대는 재정적으로 피폐해 있습니다.
• 금융 서비스 회사 딜로이트 (Deloitte)가 목요일에 발표한 이 연구는 밀레니엄 세대의 자기자본이 약 8,000 달러였으며, 그 연령대의 부모 코호트보다 34 % 낮은 것으로 나타났습니다.

The average millennial has an average net worth of $8,000. That's far less than previous…
The average millennial has an average net worth of $8,000. That's far less than previous generations. []
American millennials are financially worse for the wear. They have an average net worth of less…
Average millennial net worth is $8,000 []
A new study finds millennials are doing much worse financially than their parents did at their age,…
The net worth of millennials is taking a dive compared to previous generations, new study finds []
Millennials are doing far worse financially than generations before them, with student loans,…
The average millennial has a net worth of $8,000, far less than previous generations []

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6/1 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/1 '19 answered

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