ment 5/30 '19 posted

• 한 섹션에서 애플은 iOS의 기본 내장 애플 리케이션을 검토하고 각 카테고리의 App Store에서 제공되는 인기있는 써드 파티 옵션을 대안으로 나열합니다.
• 그러나 애플은 개발자들이 수년 동안 제기해온 주요 불만을 무시합니다. 애플의 인앱 구매 시스템을 사용하지 않는다면, 개발자는 고객에게 앱 스토어 외부에서 지불할 수있는 장소와 방법을 말하거나 편리한 링크를 제공하는 것이 금지됩니다. 

As it faces both an antitrust lawsuit with huge implications and a formal EU investigation over…
Apple’s latest defense of the App Store shows how hard it is to compete with Apple []
Just ahead of WWDC, Apple has launched a new App Store website in the hopes of better…
Apple’s new App Store website takes aim at antitrust, anti-competitive claims []
This year at its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple is widely expected to expand the…
Apple should make more iPad apps for the Mac []
Once you know, it's actually pretty creepy to think about what goes on inside your phone, and how…
Your iPhone is Sharing Personal Information at an Alarming Rate, Despite Apple's Promise to Guard Your Privacy []

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5/30 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/30 '19 answered

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