Uber will start deactivating riders with low ratings [techcrunch.com]
Uber will deactivate riders with low ratings [www.engadget.com]
Uber will now deactivate riders with below average ratings [www.theverge.com]
Uber is now kicking low-rated passengers out of its cars [www.cnet.com]
Uber says it will kick off riders for low ratings [edition.cnn.com]
Uber to deactivate riders with significantly below average ratings [www.techspot.com]
Safety and respect for all [www.uber.com]
Uber to ban passengers with low ratings from using app [thehill.com]
Uber says it will kick off riders for low ratings [edition.cnn.com]
Uber updates community guidelines, riders with low ratings can now be banned too [www.neowin.net]
Well, I guess my Uber-riding days are coming to a closehttps://t.co/QdIyOqWMf6
— mat honan (@mat) May 29, 2019
One thing amusing thing about Uber is that the company changed its logo so many times, it’s almost the wrong one in stock photos. This request screen is from 2014 and the logo in the back is is two logos back. https://t.co/yDfJDoI4Wn
— can (@can) May 29, 2019
lololol..fair https://t.co/nFrIqLsekD
— Natasha Mascarenhas (@nmasc_) May 29, 2019
Uber will start deactivating riders with low ratings https://t.co/bCmH6Dc0WO
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) May 29, 2019
Uber will now deactivate riders with below average ratings https://t.co/THewEoIhyj pic.twitter.com/Y6kCziuaGf
— The Verge (@verge) May 29, 2019
Impending techno dystopian hell problems. What about that city that partnered with Uber for it's public transit? | Uber will now deactivate riders with below average ratings https://t.co/xZAikZBUW6
— Matt Blank (@msbutah) May 29, 2019
Black Mirror is a documentary https://t.co/QbnTTbmHdR
— Matt Wood (@woodtang) May 29, 2019
The question is... what IS significantly below average? ?https://t.co/xd5wDKkjfj
— Chris Maddern (@chrismaddern) May 29, 2019
I know that people can be awful, but you have to wonder how many people are so awful that Uber is willing to stop taking their money. https://t.co/Z7nMqisXOu
— Daniel Tunkelang (@dtunkelang) May 29, 2019
Uber says it will kick off riders whose ratings are too low https://t.co/HZYy7O7QXs
— CNN Africa (@CNNAfrica) May 29, 2019
Seems like China's social credit system will slowly come to America via customer ratings. Why not customer ratings for grocery stores and restaurants, matched to credit cards or payment apps? Better be nice to those cashiers...https://t.co/dYI0PeZidG
— Noah Smith ? (@Noahpinion) May 29, 2019
Two reactions:
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) May 29, 2019
1. Good for Uber
2. Seems like we're not too far from that Black Mirror society where our rankings define what services we can use and where we can live https://t.co/4gqk8AGlZK
One thing I liked Uber was that, unlike cabs, they won't regularly refuse to take you to "bad" neighborhoods, but this new policy seems like a reversal -- they'll now ban riders who regularly take trips to bad neighborhoods.https://t.co/RB4TArRFCT pic.twitter.com/BkolzWTHF0
— Dan Luu (@danluu) May 29, 2019
必ずしもUberに限らないんだけど、このレーティングの感覚って、国によってかなり異なるのよね。僕もアメリカいる時はよほど悪くなければまず5なんだけど、日本では滅多に5にすることはないとか。Uber will start deactivating riders with low ratings – https://t.co/pKmMepeR4s
— 岩山幸洋, リアルアバター制作, 3D全身スキャンシステム (@HappyOcean) May 29, 2019
Travis would've just paired them with drivers with low ratings https://t.co/QzDUV66a6e
— Brad Hargreaves (@bhargreaves) May 29, 2019
I'm not a statistician, but getting rid of every customer with a below-average rating does not sound like a viable long-term business model. https://t.co/RPsMbKXkSB
— Paul DiMaggio (@paul_dimaggio) May 29, 2019
Uber will deactivate riders if they have "below average" ratings https://t.co/fGuA5ORcl9 pic.twitter.com/70iE2yfrM0
— Alistair Barr (@alistairmbarr) May 29, 2019
Seems like China's social credit system will slowly come to America via customer ratings. Why not customer ratings for grocery stores and restaurants, matched to credit cards or payment apps? Better be nice to those cashiers...https://t.co/dYI0PeZidG
— Noah Smith ? (@Noahpinion) May 29, 2019
Two reactions:
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) May 29, 2019
1. Good for Uber
2. Seems like we're not too far from that Black Mirror society where our rankings define what services we can use and where we can live https://t.co/4gqk8AGlZK
First it was controlling drivers via algorithm, now Uber is now choosing to ban riders via algorithm.
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) May 29, 2019
"Riders may lose access to Uber if they develop a significantly below average rating." https://t.co/xzkiLhVfH7
She has said her Secretary of Education will have to be a former public school teacher @FMSupreme https://t.co/1FVT1mumcT
— TARICA JUNE ✨ Independent Artist (@TaricaJune) May 29, 2019
“There are still so many questions, and the @FCC has failed to be transparent about the communications crisis in Puerto Rico and what carriers did or didn’t do to help."
— Free Press (@freepress) May 28, 2019
-- @CarmenScurato#justice4PRhttps://t.co/1SRW9MHpZK
James Comey: No ‘treason.’ No coup. Just lies — and dumb lies at that.https://t.co/ggR8Yo5Mjk
— ?ʙᴏᴏᴛ•ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇ•ʙʀɪᴇ? (@BlueBeeInDaBoot) May 28, 2019
당장도 미래에도 자기에게 해가 없다고 확신하니 진상짓으로 스트레스 발산을 하며 득을 보는 사람들. 이런 행각이 득보다 실이 많다는 걸 기록과 점수로 가르쳐줄 수밖에 없다면, 사회는 점점 AI 중국화의 길로.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) May 30, 2019
택시 운전사도 손님이 무서워서 노이로제에 걸리기도 한다니.
The American Social Credit System will be based on how compliant you are as a consumer. https://t.co/opVPWLCXkL
— J.Sack (@JayTSack) May 29, 2019
Top story: Uber will start deactivating riders with low ratings – TechCrunch https://t.co/zDGUnMp6Ju, see more https://t.co/TNPTijhrqi
— Mónica Mistretta (@Monicami) May 30, 2019
Any word on how they’ll deal with drivers that systematically band together to poorly rate certain passengers based on things like ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, etc.? @meganrosedickey https://t.co/miqairg6bM
— Tiffani Ashley Bell (@tiffani) May 29, 2019
Uber will start deactivating low-rated users. Probably some %, since required rating "varies by city".https://t.co/Lhtt1caPRh
— ЬᏂauϮᏂ (@peroxycarbonate) May 30, 2019
I genuinely wonder if Travis Kalanick is gonna end up being banned from using Uber because of this https://t.co/b7k1YMqocb
— David Bloom (@dbloom) May 30, 2019
Let the assholes walk.
— Zane Zodrow (@ZaneZodrow) May 29, 2019
Uber will start deactivating riders with low ratings
https://t.co/c2pAILbaFJ via @techcrunch
우버, 저평점 승객들 서비스에서 제외할 것. 이는 건방진 행동과 막말로 인해 저평점 승객들 승차호출 앱에서 퇴출시킬 것 의미. 우버, 오랫동안 운전기사에게 평점제도 실시. 만일 운전기사 4.6점 이하이면 퇴출될 위험 있어. 그러나 같은 점수가 승객에게 적용될지는 미정. https://t.co/atWG8v4Pev
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 29, 2019
Uber will deactivate riders with low ratings https://t.co/Ri0kVUUvh1
— David Lazarus (@Davidlaz) May 29, 2019
Wait until someone tells them how averaging works. https://t.co/UlDlgpqsV3
— Rumman Chowdhury (@ruchowdh) May 30, 2019
“China’s emerging social credit system is horrible!” I said to my friend as we were travelling home in our Uber.https://t.co/uQjpWwNavS
— Peter Gasston (@stopsatgreen) May 30, 2019
Uber will now deactivate riders with below average ratings https://t.co/THewEoIhyj pic.twitter.com/TcIXqZ0Df5
— The Verge (@verge) May 30, 2019
Uber、乗る側も評価によってサービス利用制限がかかるように。@Uber will now deactivate riders with below average ratings https://t.co/3Y90OnEDOP
— よこた ゆい? (@yuiykt) May 29, 2019
As jobs become micro-jobs, and everyone is put on a leaderboard, be prepared for algorithmic denial of service, backed by human ratings!
— Subrahmanyam KVJ (@SuB8u) May 30, 2019
Traffic cam alerts for drivers, drivers who give low rating alerts for passengers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯https://t.co/BEpkgnpuXp pic.twitter.com/8maKiX3uC7
Fair yet Black Mirror-ish | Uber is now kicking low-rated passengers out of its cars https://t.co/5o8r4lHBME
— Dalan Mendonca (@dalanMendonca) May 30, 2019
US State Dept 5/29/19: Iran is withdrawing #Hezbollah fighters from #Syria due to US sanctions:https://t.co/5IjLSFqm2u 5/18/19: Trump’s sanctions on Iran hitting Hezbollah, and it hurts:https://t.co/EBPmt9mYF0#c2cIRANSanctions #c2cIRAN #c2cREGIME #c2cTerror @anne_annemason https://t.co/0MvDRzprGk
— #C2C Public Safety (@C2C_Campaign) May 30, 2019
“Blessed and cursed by geography, East Palo Alto is the next frontier of Bay Area gentrification. The city has become a hunting ground for real estate speculators eager to turn even the town’s most decrepit properties into homes for the tech sector.” https://t.co/CYlYgilY89
— TechEquity Collaborative (@TECollab) November 15, 2018
If Mueller sticks to his promise to “not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress” he will have to say the following, which is right there on page two of volume 2 of his report. https://t.co/JvcTgNGhSn pic.twitter.com/LsjR8I3YkT
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) May 30, 2019