ment 5/29 '19 posted

• 입찰서를 제출하면이 작품을 예술 작품이나 학술적 이유로 구입하고 악성 코드를 유포할 의사가 없음을 동의하고 인정합니다. "
• 혼란의 지속성(The Persistence of Chaos)은 예술가와 사이버 보안 회사인 Deep Instinct 사이의 협력으로 만들어졌으며, 안전한 환경에서 작업을 수행하기위한 맬웨어 및 기술 전문 지식을 제공했습니다. "

‘The Persistence of Chaos’ is a piece of art up for sale for over $1 million. But the…
This Laptop Contains Six Of The World's Most Dangerous Viruses. And It's For Sale. • Featured, Tech • WeRSM []
Commissioned by cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct, "The…
Auction for a laptop full of malware closes at $1.3 million (updated) []
A 2008 Samsung NC10 laptop running Windows XP just sold at auction for a whopping $1.345 million. …
Laptop infected with malware sold as art for 1.35 million at auction []
May 28, 2019 Updated with the final price the world’s most dangerous laptop sold for. If you…
The world’s most dangerous PC was bought for $1,345,000 []
Is this really art? Laptop infested with the world's most dangerous viruses including…
Laptop infested with the world's most dangerous viruses sells for £1 million at auction []

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5/29 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/29 '19 answered

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