ment 5/29 '19 posted

• Meta View는 기존 Meta 2 헤드셋을 계속 지원할 예정이지만 더 이상 새 장치를 판매하지 않습니다.
• "우리의 믿음은 매우 강했기 때문에 자산을 취득하고 새로운 회사를 설립하고 우리가 믿었던 비전과 초점을 가진 새로운 CEO를 찾기 위해 다소 비 전통적인 VC 거래를 실시했다 "고 Gniwisch는 말합니다.

A new startup has acquired the assets of defunct augmented reality headset maker Meta. Meta View,…
Scoop: Startup emerges from the ashes of AR headset maker Meta []
Meta, the augmented reality startup that shut down in January, is coming back — or at least, its…
Meta’s augmented reality headset is getting rebooted at a new company []
New spatial computing company Meta View today announced it has acquired the assets of Meta, a…
Meta View acquires assets of augmented reality pioneer Meta []
VCs give failed AR startup Meta a do-over with new CEO, corporate…
VCs give failed AR startup Meta a do-over with new CEO, corporate entity []

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5/29 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/29 '19 answered

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