ment 5/27 '19 posted

• 콘라드 시만스키 (Konrad Szymanski) 폴란드 외무 장관은 "이 제도는 예방 검열과 유사한 규정을 채택할 수 있으며, 이는 폴란드 헌법뿐만 아니라 EU 조약에서도 금지되어 있습니다.

FILE PHOTO: An illuminated Google logo inside an office building in Zurich, Switzerland, December…
Poland files complaint with EU's top court over copyright rule change []
Poland has officially challenged the European Union’s recently-approved controversial copyright…
Poland has filed a complaint against the European Union’s copyright directive []
Reuters reported that Poland has submitted a complaint to the European Court of Justice…
Poland Filed Complaint About EU's Copyright Rule Change []
Poland was one of six EU members that voted against the…
Poland challenges EU's new copyright law over censorship fears []

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5/27 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/27 '19 answered

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