GitHub Launches GitHub Sponsors to Let Users Financially Support Developers []
GitHub Sponsors is a new way to pay your favorite developers []
GitHub's new developer tools are about building better code together []
GitHub launches security and social features for devs, but keeps schtum on US-China friction []
Microsoft brings Patreon model to GitHub []
GitHub introduces Sponsors, a way for open source developers to get paid, with Matching Funds up to $5,000 []
GitHub Now Lets You Financially Support Contributors, Introduces New Enterprise Features []
GitHub launches Sponsors, a Patreon-style funding tool for developers []
With Sponsors, GitHub aims to give open-source projects more financial support []
GitHub Sponsors Launches as Monetizing Initiative for Open Source Developers []
GitHub Sponsors will allow you to fund the developers who build and maintain the code you use []
Looking at the new GitHub Sponsorship feature, payments can be made through multiple systems, including custom ones.
— Boris Mann (@bmann) May 23, 2019
This is controlled through a FUNDING.yml file.
This is probably going to be life-changing for open source contributors and heroes
— Ŧʟᴀᴠɪᴏ (@flaviocopes) May 23, 2019
This is great, happy to see GitHub focusing more and more on supporting maintainers, now also financially
— Mathias Meyer ? (@roidrage) May 23, 2019
I’m sure GitHub had all the right intentions here. And I’m sure this will work out well for a select few developers who will amass enough donations to ignore individual claims to their time. But I think it’s a grave risk to the culture of open source.
— DHH (@dhh) May 23, 2019
This is a game-changing idea that could change the economics of open source, and thus the future of software. ? @github @natfriedman
— Aaron Levie (@levie) May 23, 2019
GitHub is launching Sponsors which allows you to donate to Open Source developers similar to creator platforms like Patreon.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) May 23, 2019
GitHub will match first $5K in donations and no fees for first 12 months of program.
Microsoft acquisition has made it ?
gotta fund all that crimeware and shadowbrokers exploit dumps somehow
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) May 23, 2019
“Most importantly, this helps to change the open source narrative: you shouldn't feel like you need to work for free, especially if companies are actually making money off of your work.”, I swear I didn’t have a crystal ball for my RailsConf keynote ?
— DHH (@dhh) May 23, 2019
"With a way to directly support the people behind open source work, built directly into the world's most popular developer platform, we finally have the crucial missing piece to create a healthier way forward for open source."
— ?? DynamicWebPaige (@DynamicWebPaige) May 23, 2019
? this so much, @github.
Not sure if this is me being contrarian but this can really go the wrong way. People get really entitled when they are paying others.
— can (@can) May 23, 2019
Microsoft being the good guys again @joeling_GK
— raehik (@raehik) May 23, 2019
After years of inaction, @github is building the tools developers always needed–and a better way forward for open source
— Charged (@chargedtech) May 23, 2019
GitHub just proved it's back—and it's listening to developers again, helping build a better way forward for open source
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) May 23, 2019
GitHub introduces Sponsors, a way for open source developers to get paid, with Matching Funds up to $5,000
— Everything Microsoft (@EverythingMS) May 23, 2019
GitHub Now Lets You Financially Support Contributors, Introduces New Enterprise Features - by @mehedih_ -
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) May 23, 2019
GitHub launches Sponsors, a Patreon-style funding tool for developers
— The Verge (@verge) May 23, 2019
GitHub is rolling out some big new tools to foster a better, fairer open source culture.
— SitePoint (@sitepointdotcom) May 24, 2019
GitHub launches Sponsors, a Patreon-style funding tool for developers
— The Verge (@verge) May 24, 2019