Consumer Reports: Tesla's Navigate on Autopilot tech is 'far less competent' than a human driver []
Tesla's Navigate on Autopilot []
Consumer Reports says Tesla's autopilot raises serious safety concerns []
Consumer Reports is mad at Tesla Autopilot. Again. []
Tesla’s automatic lane-changing feature is ‘far less competent’ than a human driver, []
Consumer Reports: Tesla's automatic lane changes pose safety concerns []
Consumer Reports blasts Tesla Navigate on Autopilot as 'less competent' than humans []
Consumer Reports: Latest Autopilot “far less competent than a human” []
Consumer Reports loves catchy headlines & articles. Their latest one on Tesla's Autopilot fits the bill. CR tried Navigate on Autopilot and found it "doesn't work very well and could create potential safety risks for drivers."
— Neil Cybart (@neilcybart) May 22, 2019
“Far less competent than a human driver”
— Charley Grant (@CGrantWSJ) May 22, 2019
“Tesla is showing what not to do on the path toward self-driving cars: release increasingly automated driving systems that aren’t vetted properly." A scathing @ConsumerReports review of new Autopilot version that autonomously changes lanes.
— Nick Bunkley (@nickbunkley) May 22, 2019
Anyone who has used navigate on autopilot from Tesla could tell you it’s worse than a human driving. Autopilot, which isn’t some special feature only Tesla has, is handy as a cruise control plus feature.
— Jay Yarow (@jyarow) May 22, 2019
Anyway, Consumer Reports crapping on autopilot.
Tesla's Navigate on Autopilot Requires Significant Driver Intervention. CR finds that latest version of Tesla's automatic lane-changing feature is far less competent than a human driver
— CR Cars (@CRcars) May 22, 2019
Consumer reports says $TSLA Autopilot is “far less competent” than a human driver.
— Linette Lopez (@lopezlinette) May 22, 2019
Musk said he can get regulatory approval to put a million robotaxis with a cousin of this software on the road by spring 2020.
Um, wow.
— Neal Boudette (@nealboudette) May 22, 2019
“Far less competent than a human driver”
— Charley Grant (@CGrantWSJ) May 22, 2019
$tsla $tslaq #Tesla
— Tesla Polls (@PollsTesla) May 22, 2019
Pedo Reports hates Planet Earth
Bad news indeed--CR finds $TSLA Autopilot "Lane Change" function less reliable & potentially more dangerous vs human operator. This hardly reflects L5 capability Musk has claimed for proprietary AI software run by Tesla-designed "best chip in the world."
— Vicki Bryan’s Bond Angle (@VickiBryanBondA) May 22, 2019
1. If it can't change lanes in an acceptable, safe, legal manner, FSD is a decade away.
— Steve the Dead Hampster (@Stevebility) May 22, 2019
2. Consumer Reports, which used to be a love affair with @elonmusk, is finally acting responsibly.
3. What is the $tslaq growth lie now?
For @tesla and @elonmusk to continue putting beta software on public roads with their own untrained customers is reckless and irresponsible . It's far worse when you consider that other road users have not consented to be part of experiments @NavigantRSRCH
— Sam Abuelsamid (@samabuelsamid) May 22, 2019
"Tesla's Navigate on Autopilot Requires Significant Driver Intervention - CR finds that latest version of Tesla's automatic lane-changing feature is far less competent than a human driver"
— Mark B. Spiegel (@markbspiegel) May 22, 2019
cc: useless, do-nothing @nhtsagov @nhtsarecalls
Another searing piece on Autopilot by @ConsumerReports
— ValueAnalyst (@ValueAnalyst1) May 22, 2019
Tesla's Navigate on Autopilot | Driver Intervention - Consumer Reports | However, THIS is the big $TSLA story of the day. A brutal review of Autopilot.
— Diogenes (@WallStCynic) May 22, 2019
BREAKING: lane-changing ADAS without rear- or side-facing radar isn't particularly consistent. Who could have guessed?
— E.W. "Extreme Believer" Niedermeyer (@Tweetermeyer) May 22, 2019
Elon Musk says he will have 1 million autonomous cars on the road by the end of next year. Consumer Reports says auto pilot can't even change lanes safely. $TSLA
— Tom Hearden (@followtheh) May 22, 2019
米コンシューマーレポートがテスラ”オートパイロット”の最新版は危険と警告。 売上激落の対処で完成度の低い機能を次々出しているから当然。$TSLA $TSLAQ #CYAZ #テスラ #モデル3 #モデル3まもなく
— Kawasaki_KR-1 (@KawasakiKR11) May 22, 2019
$TSLA's lane-change Autopilot upgrade "cut off cars without leaving enough space and even passed other cars in ways that violate state laws, according to several law enforcement representatives CR interviewed for this report." Boom.
— Polixenes (@Polixenes13) May 22, 2019
“It’s incredibly nearsighted. It doesn’t appear to react to brake lights or turn signals, it can’t anticipate what other drivers will do, and as a result, you constantly have to be one step ahead of it.”
— SheepleAnalytics (@SheepleAnalytic) May 22, 2019
The truth about Tesla (by well respected @ConsumerReports)
— Kim Klaiman (@SteadyOptions_) May 22, 2019
The lies (by @elonmusk)
So much for all the hype and overpriced cars.
Consumer Reports says Tesla's latest autopilot fix raises 'serious safety concerns' -
Consumer Reports says Tesla's latest autopilot fix raises 'serious safety concerns' via @cnbc by @ashley_mturner
— Lora Kolodny (@lorakolodny) May 22, 2019
Consumer Reports says Tesla's latest autopilot fix raises 'serious safety concerns'
— Phil LeBeau (@Lebeaucarnews) May 22, 2019
So.....what’s the (negative) value of an Autopilot technology that’s virtually certain to create legal liabilities for years to come? $TSLA $TSLAQ
— Roosevelt Stinson (@RooseveltPatoo1) May 22, 2019
When did $XOM buy Consumer Reports? They say Tesla Autopilot “far less competent than human” $TSLA $TSLAQ #fraud
— Roosevelt Stinson (@RooseveltPatoo1) May 22, 2019
"@ConsumerReports: Latest Autopilot “far less competent than a human”
— Abhinav Agarwal (@AbhinavAgarwal) May 22, 2019
“It’s incredibly nearsighted ... It doesn’t appear to react to brake lights or turn signals, it can’t anticipate what other drivers will do...”
올림픽대로에서 왜 2km씩 줄 서 있고 '끼어들기 금지' 푯말이 왜 세워졌는지 생각해 보면 이 Navigate 기능은 한국에서는 무리. 범블비처럼 손이 나와서 흔들어 주면 모를까요.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) May 23, 2019
그러나 이조차도 주차 대란 중 이면 도로보다는 난이도 낮겠지요.
6/ Even without the Jonas call, Musk had to shift the focus away from this devastating news from Consumer Reports:
— Polixenes (@Polixenes13) May 23, 2019
“latest version of Tesla's automatic lane-changing feature is far less competent than a human driver” - Consumer Reports
— Gary Marcus (@GaryMarcus) May 23, 2019
— 海外自動車試乗レポート 編集部 (@autorepo_editor) May 23, 2019
“Monitoring the system is much harder than just changing lanes yourself. Using the system is like monitoring a kid behind the wheel for the very first time. As any parent knows, it’s far more convenient and less stressful to simply drive yourself.”
— Matt Farah (@TheSmokingTire) May 23, 2019
Amerikaanse Consumer Reports geeft vernietigend oordeel over laatste versie #Tesla Autopilot.
— Ton Aarts (@ton_aarts) May 22, 2019
“Tesla is showing what NOT to do on the path toward self-driving cars: release increasingly automated driving systems that aren’t vetted properly”
Congratulations, Tesla.
— Liza Dixon ⚡ (@lizadixon) May 22, 2019
You've won the #autonowashing trophy. Again. ? via @itskeithbarry @ConsumerReports
“has trouble responding to vehicles that approach quickly from behind”
— bsilly (@bsilly3) May 23, 2019
“will often cut off a vehicle that is going a much faster speed...doesn’t seem to sense the oncoming car until it’s relatively close.”
Germans won't like that, @MotherCabriniNY
There are huge insurance risks from using Autopilot. No insurance turns every Tesla vehicle into a brick. Game over. $TSLA = $TSLAQ
— Martin (@MTrumbleson) May 22, 2019
See the concerns from Consumer Reports about Tesla's Autopilot in this link:
New from @CRcars: We tested Tesla’s automatic lane change feature. It cut off other cars and passed on the right
— Keith Barry (@itskeithbarry) May 22, 2019
NEW from @ConsumerReports: CR's testers on the updated @Tesla Navigate on Autopilot system. Per @CRAdvocacy, "Tesla is showing what not to do on the path toward self-driving cars: release increasingly automated driving systems that aren’t vetted properly."
— William Wallace (@WWconsumer) May 22, 2019
최근 업데이트 된 테슬라의 주행보조기능(차선변경기능)에 대한 컨슈머리포트의 보고서. 사람 따라오려면 한참 멀었다고.
— 홍지호 (@hongjiho_) May 22, 2019
Tesla's Navigate on Autopilot | Driver Intervention - Consumer Reports
Fuckin' lol.
— (@da_667) May 23, 2019