ment 5/23 '19 posted

• 지금까지 Google은 검색 결과의 출처를 다소 간과하여 각 링크 아래에 작은 글꼴로 웹 사이트 이름을 표시했습니다.
• Google은 또한 이 디자인 변경이 더 풍부하고 (더 붐비는) 검색 결과 페이지를 만드는 발판이라고 제안합니다.
• Google Search favicon과 이 카드 재설계의 추가가 모바일에 가장 먼저 이루어지고 있습니다. 앞으로 며칠 동안은 웹과 Android 및 iOS Search 응용 프로그램이 나올 것이고, 함께 데스크톱 웹에 추가될 예정입니다.
• 이 새로운 디자인은 웹 사이트의 브랜드를 전면 및 중앙에 배치하여 정보의 출처와 찾고있는 페이지를 더 잘 이해할 수 있습니다.
• 예를 들어 뉴욕 타임즈나 월스트리트 저널을 통해 지난 1 시간 동안 게시된 콘텐츠를 찾는 Google 검색은 현재 결과가 나타나지 않습니다.
• 예를 들어 Android Police에서 콘텐츠를 검색하고 지난 1 시간 동안 게시된 페이지로 필터링하면 20 분 전에 기사를 썼음을 확신하지만 결과는 전혀 없습니다.
• 구글은 오늘 구글 웹 마스터 (Google Webmasters) 계정을 통해 "현재 일부 경우 부실 검색 결과를 초래할 수있는 색인 생성 문제가 발생했다"고 확인했습니다.

Google has thousands of custom-built servers that scan the web every single second for…
Google search is not showing recent results right now, which may make this story hard to find []
Google is introducing some noticeable changes to how it displays mobile search results, meant to…
Google is updating its mobile search design to highlight a website’s name and favicon []
Just as new web pages are constantly being created, so too is Google constantly indexing…
Google Search indexing appears broken, no new results []
Google says that it created a new look for Google Search on mobile that will…
Google Search on Mobile Gets Sneakier Ads, Website Branding []
This week, Google is rolling out a visual tweak to its mobile search results. Whereas a…
Google search results on mobile now placing URLs above page titles []
Throughout 2018, Google went on a bit of a redesign spree. It rolled out…
Google Search's latest mobile facelift makes ads and website branding more obvious []
At I/O 2019, Google announced a number of new features for Search like podcast indexing and…
Google Search adding site favicons to every result []
Google’s new look for mobile search results will likely attract people to phishing scamsToday…
Google’s new look for mobile search results will likely attract people to phishing scams []
Google’s new look for mobile search results puts site owners and publishers…
Google’s new look for mobile search results puts site owners and publishers first []
Google Search has a new look on mobile, including an updated “Ad” label.Google is rolling out a new…
Search Engine Land []
Google today announced it’s making a visual change to Search on…
Google Search has a new design -- see if you can spot the difference []
The company hopes the changes will make it easier to…
Google Search redesign adds website names and logos to results page []
If you try to find new content from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or your favorite search…
Google not indexing recent content? []
An issue with Google's search feature has resulted in some new content not being indexed in…
Google Indexing Problems Resulting In Some Stale Search Results []
Google Search is getting a makeover, with results…
Google Search redesign puts brands to the front []
Google is experiencing a major issue at the moment which is preventing new content from being…
Google Confirms a Bug Preventing New Content from Being Indexed []
There may be a serious Google bug or it might just be a interface issue - I am not sure - but…
Did Google Stop Indexing The Web? []
This is an article about a Google problem that most of you won't see until it is fixed. That is…
You're Not At Fault, Google Search Tripped and Broke Its Index []

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5/23 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/23 '19 answered

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