2/ If intelligence agencies have concerns that Huawei is spying on the US, they need to show evidence.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) May 22, 2019
Huawei has said they are willing to allow their hardware and software to undergo auditing to verify that it’s free of spyware. Taking them up on this would be productive.
Update: Huawei has responded to the ARM ban. "We value our close relationships with our partners, but recognise the pressure some of them are under, as a result of politically motivated decisions." Full statement here: https://t.co/vhp55Dzi5V
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 22, 2019
Wow this is big news and it shows the complexities Huawei will have to face even if they came up with their own OS and App Store. How many big developers will follow if they think the ban includes supplying apps designed in the US? https://t.co/Hw32AOY1V7
— Carolina Milanesi (@caro_milanesi) May 22, 2019
If Arm China is really blocked from supplying IP to Huawei then it's a death blow. Pretty much everything Huawei does runs on Arm. I currently suspect some mistake. The whole point of Arm China is to insulate mainland fablesses from US trade war stuff https://t.co/lXhoYWlbkp
— hal (@halhod) May 22, 2019
ARM has halted all contracts and business with Huawei. This is a major blow to Huawei as without ARM designs it can't create its own processors. It might just be ARM being cautious, but if not then Huawei is dead and buried if US keeps this up https://t.co/vhp55Dzi5V pic.twitter.com/N6jeInfQey
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 22, 2019
Even non-US companies have to comply with the American entity list rules, if the product contains “US origin technology”.
— Zhaoyin Feng 馮兆音 (@ZhaoyinFeng) May 22, 2019
UK’s ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant https://t.co/rnaGfUFKSw
First major blow to Huawei - its phones pulled from big UK 5G launch by EE. EE boss says it's cos they're not sure they can honour long term customer contracts with Huawei phones. Ouch. https://t.co/CLnYKEj0Ha
— Adrian Weckler (@adrianweckler) May 22, 2019
Android ban was the sledgehammer, now ARM is the dagger.
— Vlad Savov (@vladsavov) May 22, 2019
The assassination of Huawei by the coward US is happening in real time.https://t.co/Qul73Il8UD
To anyone in tech who feels their job is safe from Trump’s counterproductive trade war: It is not.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) May 22, 2019
It is entirely possible China will retaliate against Apple, Google, Broadcom and other American tech companies. This could seriously damage our economy. https://t.co/fK04tGwsrK
An exclusive from @DaveLeeBBC - UK chip designer ARM has sent a memo to its staff telling them to suspend business with Huawei in a move that could threaten the Chinese firm's ability to create its own smartphone chips https://t.co/778iE5TUnl
— Leo Kelion (@LeoKelion) May 22, 2019
Just one blow after another for Huawei https://t.co/alLWAZLsve
— Zac Bowden (@zacbowden) May 22, 2019
Update — ARM has clarified the 90-day reprieve from US does *not* apply to them. Means suspension of all contact and work with Huawei/HiSilicon is ongoing. https://t.co/4Swsuhz5T7
— Dave Lee (@DaveLeeBBC) May 22, 2019
Ok, now it gets really worse for Huawei. No access to ARM platform means no more chips means no more handsets with anything close or similar to Android. #Huawei #ARM https://t.co/3bPjJXfOEk
— Arne Hess ???? (@arnehess) May 22, 2019
This is a big deal, but licenses are just pieces of paper - Huawei’s engineers can keep using whatever designs they want and no Chinese authority will actually stop them https://t.co/upvLnHYzEI
— nilay patel (@reckless) May 22, 2019
Huawei has lost access to ARM's license and Intel's x86 license, the only two CPU architectures that Android currently supports
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) May 22, 2019
Even if Huawei came up with a new architecture, it won't be officially compatible with Android unless Google supports ithttps://t.co/NSDpQQmFj6
— うめにゃん is 半熟ゾンビ17歳 (@PlumTheGoodman) May 22, 2019
Future of Huawei’s Kirin chips threatened as ARM ceases working relationship with the company https://t.co/gG5yRZcI8w
ソフトバンクに買収されたイギリスの半導体デザインメーカーのARMがファーウェイとの取引を中止するとのこと。世界的に半導体のデザインを手がけるARMと切れることはファーウェイにとっては痛手。 https://t.co/F5fNZexN4x
— Kazuto Suzuki (@KS_1013) May 22, 2019
More important than #Google block...#Huawei: #ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant - BBC News https://t.co/AQNEXo1XJW
— Aydin Aslantas (@aydinaslantas) May 22, 2019
I hadn't really thought about it until now, but ARM is a seriously leveraged geopolitical actor. More than Google or Apple or almost anyone else, they can choose to end your tech company https://t.co/jvagIiXSnj
— Eric Florenzano (@ericflo) May 22, 2019
— 星 暁雄 (@AkioHoshi) May 22, 2019
— 山川晶之 (@masyamakawa) May 22, 2019
BBC News - Huawei: ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant https://t.co/8wu1kRA9ha
Huawei: ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant via /r/TheAmpHour https://t.co/fmvLhXVNFT
— The Amp Hour Podcast (@TheAmpHour) May 22, 2019
This is really big https://t.co/bC7wIjBfiY
— Mike Bird (@Birdyword) May 22, 2019
To put this in perspective, this is a bit like Intel giving Dell the finger.
— Nash but with like jet boots and stuff (@Nash076) May 22, 2019
It's bad news for the company. https://t.co/Bi0J33mOqR
ARM cuts ties with Huawei, threatening future chip designs https://t.co/BHGSLdq040 pic.twitter.com/4xA0h7C58K
— The Verge (@verge) May 22, 2019
Wow, ARM cutting off Huawei: https://t.co/JByoc9Zy8M
— ASY (@doumenzi) May 22, 2019
The net effect of this wouldn’t be to weaken China. Chinese companies would simply go public in London or Hong Kong instead. https://t.co/n0INik36Ru
— Christian Vanderbrouk (@UrbanAchievr) May 22, 2019
Driving Huawei out of the United States & Europe is 10 times more important than a trade deal with China, according to Steve Bannon.
— Belt and Road & Beyond (@BeltandRoadDesk) May 22, 2019
He also said he would dedicate all his time to shutting Chinese companies out of US capital markets. https://t.co/SxKenhG1OM
The feel-good story of the day: Steve Bannon says Trump Administration is killing Huawei and then cutting Chinese Communist Party from capital markets. https://t.co/1OfRassbsB
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) May 22, 2019
Driving Huawei out of the United States & Europe is 10 times more important than a trade deal with China, according to Steve Bannon.
— Belt and Road & Beyond (@BeltandRoadDesk) May 22, 2019
He also said he would dedicate all his time to shutting Chinese companies out of US capital markets. https://t.co/SxKenhG1OM
Steve Bannon says killing Huawei more important than trade deal with China https://t.co/BANlAVc6yZ via @scmpnews
— jm (@jm__1314) May 22, 2019
The real reason for this #Huawei #huaweiban https://t.co/uSgULZtTIr
— Charlie (@ghost_motley) May 22, 2019
Kind of suspicious that Steve Bannon would run to the Chinese media to outline Trump’s plans for an extended trade war to starve the Communist Party of all investment capital globally ? https://t.co/sWPcyLJ59b
— Daniel Eran Insider (@DanielEran) May 22, 2019
'Driving Huawei out of the United States and Europe is “10 times more important” than a trade deal with China, according to former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.' https://t.co/qgmVUwrHtq
— Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
— BenTallmadge (@BenKTallmadge) May 22, 2019
Steve Bannon Says Killing Huawei 10x More Important Than Trade Deal
“Huawei Is A Major NatSec Threat, Not Just To The US But To The Rest Of The World. We R Going To Shut It Down.”
"Trump’s former strategist says he won’t stop there, with plans to exclude all Chinese companies from capital markets" https://t.co/KPJoAvlLCW via @scmpnews
— Etienne Delagrave (@edelagrave) May 22, 2019
I'm surprised we haven't heard more about delisting Chinese companies from US stock markets. In fact, in some cases it makes sense, but needs to be done in a coordinated and noninflammatory way. https://t.co/DdVJfZYMv8
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) May 22, 2019
Steve Bannon says killing Huawei more important than trade deal with China https://t.co/THbcUy6MGs via @scmpnews
— G. Bernadino Lopez (@Lobo11G) May 22, 2019
Will buy in support... against following S. Bannon venom...https://t.co/4xQDCpVYFZ
— Imran (@emrancaan) May 22, 2019
The plot thickens as #Huawei laptops disappear from #Microsoft 's website https://t.co/14QMzqr4hG
— Liam Hall (@LiamJGHall) May 22, 2019
ちょーと意味がわからない。製品だけでなく知財も取引停止となると、ファーウェイが必須特許を握っている5Gそのものの息の根が止まるのでは。/ 5GHuawei: ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant https://t.co/uwp5fXnuWP
— Naoki Asakawa / 浅川直輝 (@nasakawa) May 22, 2019
Hold on to your butts https://t.co/dcDGqw6jMM
— Jacob Schindler (@jwschindler) May 22, 2019
https://t.co/wPCMUY7s6o Huawei: ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant
— Jun Makino (@jun_makino) May 23, 2019
自社自給を謳ってるファーウェイだが、英ARMのCPU IPコアなどがファーウェイ傘下の半導体企業HiSiliconが手がけるKirin(CPU)に使われており,ファーウェイスマホに必要不可欠なプロセッサ。
— かりんとう (@fIa6xG9XUTldhdA) May 23, 2019
#CyberDigest | Huawei: ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant | @DaveLeeBBC | https://t.co/iv4XGsKx1p
— ASPI Cyber Policy (@ASPI_ICPC) May 23, 2019
How do you make a competitive smartphone without an ARM-based processor? #Huawei will have to find out. Samsung Exynos, Qualcomm Snapdragon and Apple A11 are all ARM tech chips. And ALL (YES ALL) smartphones use ARM tech processors. https://t.co/eAErHR2tFB
— Top Bot Tweets (@noozbot) May 22, 2019
@daitojimari ARMがファーウェイへのライセンス停止に踏み切る模様です:
— NO NAME (@ytkumasan) May 22, 2019
BBC News - Huawei: ARM memo tells staff to stop working with China’s tech giant https://t.co/WYYJFGBIYT
Softbank’s ARM cuts ties with Huawei, leaving future chip production in doubt https://t.co/Td60XkhD1w
— Ron Amadeo (@RonAmadeo) May 22, 2019
Various hits against Huawei have hurt them...
— Tech Deals ?? (@TechDeals_16) May 23, 2019
This one may finish them off... if they completely lose access to ARM, it may be impossible for them to continue operations beyond this year...https://t.co/i0VocyhoTW
ARM has now confirmed the Huawei ban. Says it "values its relationship with our longtime partner HiSilicon and we are hopeful for a swift resolution on this matter.” https://t.co/vhp55Dzi5V pic.twitter.com/YeAgXsv2QC
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 22, 2019
그리고 예상대로 그일이 벌어지고 말았습니다. 묵념. https://t.co/tJuJd5gYmb
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) May 22, 2019
#huawei will spread #linux based OS other than #android and this one now controlled by #nsa I suppose? https://t.co/e00ns4Jfvd
— Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) (@schestowitz) May 23, 2019
— 滝澤伯文 (@OsafumiT) May 23, 2019
— peace of mind (@wsptj) May 23, 2019
Steve Bannon says killing Huawei more important than trade deal with China https://t.co/n47j0xklcm @scmpnewsさんから
China can retaliate, they can make it difficult for US firms to operate in China, and of course they are largest owners of US bonds, if it comes to that https://t.co/d89GAi2DEq
— The Management (@manejemenn) May 23, 2019
Steve #Bannon says killing #Huawei more important than #trade #deal with #China. Trump’s former strategist says he won’t stop there, with plans to exclude all Chinese companies from capital markets | South China Morning Post https://t.co/9x6ZdJUkhg
— Carles Dijous (AAlb) (@carlesdijous) May 22, 2019