ment 5/22 '19 posted

• 소니의 주력 소음 제거 헤드폰 1000X M3에 비해 가격이 약간 저렴하기 때문에 여러가지가 절약된 것은 당연합니다. 

At $250, the XB900N look strikingly similar to the 1000XM3,…
Sony's noise-cancelling XB900N offer more bass for less money []
Noise-canceling headphones, especially ones that also have good sound quality and comfort, tend…
Sony’s XB900N headphones offer noise canceling and lots of bass for $250 []
Sony, the company that unseated Bose as the king of noise-canceling headphones, just announced a…
Whoa, Sony Made Cheaper Noise-Canceling Headphones []

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5/22 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/22 '19 answered

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