Apple Announces New MacBook Pro With Improved Keyboard, 8-Core CPU - by @mehedih_ - https://t.co/ClfSBURGyi pic.twitter.com/FR3uB9522t
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) May 21, 2019
Tempting but did they fix the keyboard, because if not it's just another albatross https://t.co/30VQ8JLJep
— Chad Fowler (@chadfowler) May 21, 2019
WOW. Apple drops the first 8-core MacBook Pro EVER by surprise! It has a new keyboard that uses a new material. Apple says will cut down on the failure problems according to @theloop. https://t.co/RuA9G7ILpK pic.twitter.com/wTbuafLggf
— Brian Tong (@briantong) May 21, 2019
めっちゃ買う! https://t.co/J9HHtxwgeG
— こーじん (@kojinoshiba) May 21, 2019
— Kitze (@thekitze) May 21, 2019
Apple:https://t.co/VnGTwbfnMm pic.twitter.com/pAn1DcbVX7
Apple introduces first 8-core MacBook Pro, the fastest Mac notebook everhttps://t.co/ktsWnlRMnA
— Gabriel Lewis ? (@Gabriel__Lewis) May 21, 2019
8-core macbook pro with a keyboard that belongs on a Sinclair Spectrum. I hereby pledge to not buy a new Apple computer until they go back to real keyboards that professionals can use. You should do the same. https://t.co/gxOmPnW5Gv
— Diego Basch (@dbasch) May 21, 2019
— SANTA@管理人 (@xxSANTAxx) May 21, 2019
“[Link] Apple introduces first 8-core MacBook Pro, the fastest Mac notebook ever - Apple”https://t.co/B93sPGj8k0
Won’t be getting that 16-inch MacBook Pro this year I guess… https://t.co/4wwZ676UDf
— Harshil Shah (@_HarshilShah) May 21, 2019
— はと (@kthatoto) May 21, 2019
Apple announces new MacBook Pros with more powerful processors and, yes, updated keyboards https://t.co/GT4IBkzax9
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) May 21, 2019
Nice to see the new MacBook Pros getting a speed upgrade, reminds me of the good old days when Apple would bump the specs every 6 months or so. https://t.co/f8znx1nA1C
— Dan Counsell (@dancounsell) May 21, 2019
shocked, shocked to find out i was not invited to the event https://t.co/K7AKI25OyI
— Casey Johnston (@caseyjohnston) May 21, 2019
we did it twitter https://t.co/LKRLlkalU6
— Penbook (@penbookapp) May 21, 2019
Does today’s new Mac Book Pros launch finally fix the keyboard?!? https://t.co/sMcJTWnZtO
— Sachin Rekhi (@sachinrekhi) May 21, 2019
New 2019 #MacBookPro models are here! I've got everything you need to know in my new vid for @appleinsider! Check it out!#Mac #2019MacBookPro #MacBook #Apple #AppleNewshttps://t.co/Gu7uLfKfUs
— Andrew O'Hara (@Andrew_OSU) May 21, 2019
Apple is trying to fix its broken MacBook keyboard design again. New MacBook Pros out today with "new materials" that will apparently fix the keyboard. We'l wait and see if this actually fixes things https://t.co/vNA8zumBcv pic.twitter.com/Y3cEpdSFfR
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 21, 2019
Everyone: Butterfly Macbook keyboards are bad
— nilay patel (@reckless) May 21, 2019
Apple: Here's another generation of them
Everyone: Still bad
Apple: This time they have rubber seals
Everyone: Still bad, maybe it's just a bad design?
Apple: Hm, same design with "new materials" thohttps://t.co/Eku0MEbM53
Saying it's a "new keyboard" over and over again but sticking with the same repeatedly flawed design is not going to help assure anyone https://t.co/emJR4OIICu
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) May 21, 2019
Apple tweaks its troubled MacBook keyboard design yet again, expands repair program https://t.co/WAaacrWAnf pic.twitter.com/lTJ9qJWaaQ
— The Verge (@verge) May 21, 2019
Looks like the Apple Keyboard repair program is expanding to new models. I wonder if they will honor my 2016 MBP if I have problems on the repaired 2018 keyboard I have ?. Apple's saving grace is I'd rather risk the keyboard than have any other laptop...https://t.co/UgBK1l4Hec
— Paul Redmond ?? (@paulredmond) May 21, 2019
I very much doubt that these changes will stop people worrying about MacBook keyboards, but good that the repair program is expanded.
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) May 21, 2019
I also very much wonder what these "new materials" are. Apple wouldn't say. https://t.co/jcdzGmtdif
The reduced repair time and reduced occurrence of keystroke issues don't indicate that Apple has solved their Butterfly Keyboard design flaw
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) May 21, 2019
I wouldn't take Apple's word for it until someone else tore down the keyboard to show what's been done to solve the root cause https://t.co/et8DQzF0tK
just take the L and bring back the keyboard from the 2013 MacBooks https://t.co/wpia94RYag
— ? (@fredbenenson) May 21, 2019
You know I'm starting to think there might be something not quite right with the overall design of recent MacBook Pros. https://t.co/sq7F3ym2VV
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) May 21, 2019
The butterfly keyboard is Apple's Windows Vista, a reputation-destroying slow-motion train wreck.
— Ed Bott (@edbott) May 21, 2019
"To address the problem, Apple said they changed the material in the keyboard’s butterfly mechanism that should substantially reduce problems that some users have seen." TL;DR: we didn't totally fix the keyboard, the next-gen MBP isn't ready yet, and we don't plan to apologize https://t.co/BhktLoWvpc
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) May 21, 2019
I still don't understand what is so hard about putting out a press release addressing the butterfly keyboard problem, explaining today's half-fix, explaining repair & replacement program, & saying that a redesigned keyboard is in the works. Apple's handling has been infuriating
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) May 21, 2019
— kif (@kifleswing) May 21, 2019
Last week Apple released instructions for mitigating Intel's vulnerability that slows down performance by 40% https://t.co/kILJUZ4Ddp
— Zac Hall (@apollozac) May 21, 2019
Today Apple released 8-core MacBook Pro that’s 40% faster than 6-core models https://t.co/0xQ19CXBW9
Apple introduces 8-core MacBook Pro #macos #Unix https://t.co/DOQG6zsHCk
— The Best Linux Blog In the Unixverse (@nixcraft) May 22, 2019
I really hope they fixed the poor keyboard and overheating problem from last gen. pic.twitter.com/IYSwVpsA6Q
Breaking: Apple releases their first laptop capable of running Android Studio and Gradle.https://t.co/H475h8wfIB
— Zach Klippenstein (@zachklipp) May 21, 2019
Oh man, new 8-core MacBook Pro’s https://t.co/eXcpBq4zvp
— iJustine (@ijustine) May 21, 2019
My heart is melting…. ??
An 8-core new generation CPU MacBook Pro? Sounds great! Wait a minute… a
— Duncan Davidson (@duncan) May 22, 2019
slightly updated keyboard that should reduce problems? I dunno…
Darn it. I was hoping for better out of the next MacBook Pro release. https://t.co/pQAbXB8cys
“Developers can compile code up to 65 percent faster in Xcode.”https://t.co/pq7ibuRZZf
— Antoine v.d. Lee ?? (@twannl) May 22, 2019
none of the images in this press release include the keyboard ?https://t.co/4nSmfbSCWB
— Tommy Murphy ? (@tam7t) May 22, 2019
Apple published a new Press Release: »Apple introduces first 8-core MacBook Pro, the fastest Mac notebook ever«. https://t.co/wz8X2h5a8k
— IsTheAppleStoreDown (@IsTheStoreDown) May 21, 2019
oooh Apple introduces 8-core MacBook Pro ?https://t.co/LyocGwquzh
— Filip W (@filip_woj) May 21, 2019
— イシミネ (@42SouthSide) May 22, 2019
Apple is quietly releasing a 4th generation of the butterfly keyboard with internal changes to improve reliability.
— Cory House (@housecor) May 22, 2019
And if you have a recent MBP with keyboard issues, they’ll upgrade ya to this new version for free, even out of warranty. ?https://t.co/LGCKI6O7H7
pretty gross how far out of its way the techcrunch read of this goes to defend apple on this, lol. prebriefing for a fluff piece about a broken keyboard. https://t.co/9btGneCj0a
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) May 22, 2019
Apple says it has (apparently) fixed that MacBook keyboard issue… but it’s the same butterfly mechanism so we’ll have to wait and see if it actually works properly https://t.co/L80nWVfvvc
— Jon Russell (@jonrussell) May 21, 2019
Appleがキーボード修正機能、oh、およびより強力なプロセッサを搭載した新しいMacBook Prosを発表
— Xtra株式会社 (@xtrajp) May 22, 2019
Appleは、新しい8コアプロセッサと6コアプロセッサを搭載した15インチのMacBook Pro、および第8世代4コアプロセッサを…https://t.co/NlzChmseN7
- AI自動翻訳 #Qlingo にて翻訳
.#Apple #MacBookPro
Apple tweaks its troubled MacBook keyboard design yet again, expands repair program https://t.co/WAaacrWAnf pic.twitter.com/uedRPI0ikW
— The Verge (@verge) May 22, 2019
어? 키보드 바꿔줘? 한국은 언제부터에요 빨리 바꿔줘.. https://t.co/xPrOKL12UL
— rainygirl (@rainygirl_) May 22, 2019
새로운 재료로 만들었지만 구조적으로는 달라진게 없다고 여전히 ‘3세대 버터플라이 키보드’라면서 2018년 맥북프로나 에어 사용자는 교체시 새로운 재료로 된 녀석으로 교체 받을 것이라고 하는군요. 어이 문제라고 생각하면 리콜을해 리콜을! https://t.co/9lqv7PKQzB
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) May 22, 2019
— Jason™ (@yuusharo) May 21, 2019
If it includes a butterfly switch keyboard, it is a non-starter for me. We have been burned 3 times by this god awful design. I am not interested in a 4th.
Nix the butterfly keyboard, or say goodbye to my business, @pschiller / @Apple.https://t.co/0PtAthfGX1
2018 and Newer MacBook Pro and MacBook Air Now Eligible for Apple's Keyboard Service Program https://t.co/TvpETWDyUr pic.twitter.com/h20kSDnhwT
— Apple Streem (@applestreem) May 21, 2019
I mean, it looks like they're trying to fix the keyboards: https://t.co/6CpceXFY8j
— R. Alex Anderson ? (@ralex1993) May 21, 2019
맥북프로님 새로 나오셨다https://t.co/7EHV9BQ3e5 pic.twitter.com/JbQ7wwZiwn
— sakunoki (@itineroergosum) May 21, 2019