ment 5/21 '19 posted

• 그러나 도시바는 월 스트리트 저널 (Wall Street Journal)에 보고된대로 애플, 델, 킹스톤, 씨게이트에 매각한 주식을 다시 사려고합니다.
• 도시바 메모리 (Toshiba Memory)는 혼란을 겪은 지 몇 개월 만에 공개적으로 상장될 것으로 예상됨에 따라 일본 은행과의 118 억 달러 차용에 협상했습니다.

In June last year, Toshiba sold its memory division to a four-company consortium that…
Report: Apple to sell back its stake in Toshiba Memory as part of chip company's refinancing plans []
TOKYO—Apple Inc., Dell Technologies Inc. and two other U.S. technology companies are set to…
Toshiba Memory to Buy Out Shares From Apple, Dell []
  Toshiba to buy back memory division shares from…
Toshiba to buy back memory division shares from group including Apple []
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5/21 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/21 '19 answered

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