Billionaire Robert F. Smith pledges to pay Morehouse College class of 2019’s student debt []
Westboro Baptist Church protesting Morehouse, Spelman, Clark graduations []
Robert F. Smith surprises Morehouse grads with promise to pay off student loans []
Morehouse graduates get a nice surprise this morning
— AJC (@ajc) May 19, 2019
Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt. (The gift has been estimated at $40 million.)
— deray (@deray) May 19, 2019
This is just wonderful!
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF) May 19, 2019
Now this made my day! All 400 @Morehouse college graduates will have their student loans paid off by billionaire technology investor & philanthropist Robert F. Smith. #BeTheChange @DrQuinnCapers4 @CedricMBrightMD @McDougle2020
— Chiquita Collins (@CCollinsPhD) May 19, 2019
Billionaire tech investor Robert Smith and his family have pledged to pay off student loan bills for the entire Morehouse College Class of 2019
— Tyler Clifford (@_TylerTheTyler_) May 19, 2019
The gift is estimated to be worth $40 million
How fantastic is this - best commencement speech ever! Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt
— John Delaney (@JohnDelaney) May 19, 2019
?Commencement speaker pays student loan debt for entire @Morehouse class of 2019! We all need some good news. Please RT, circulate, and elevate this excellence. #BlackExcellence
— T Delfín (@professordelfin) May 19, 2019
The Morehouse commencement speaker is paying off the student loans for the entire class of 2019:
— Conor Sen (@conorsen) May 19, 2019
JUST IN: Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans
— Charles Houston (@MrCharlieHTown) May 19, 2019 @karenhunter @SylviaKAlston @DeRay_Shawn @DrewMcCaskill @AfroStateOfMind @EtiquettEmPriss @OrgaP @ohits_sydneyy @raye8405 class of 2019. The village is here for you. Now slay
And this happened today @Morehouse! After receiving an honorary doctorate @Morehouse’s commencement, @RFS_Vista announced that his family will cover all student loan debt for each of the 400 graduating students of the Morehouse Class of 2019. Wow.
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) May 19, 2019
Billionaire Robert F. Smith, who gave Morehouse’s commencement address, announces that he’s providing a grant to eliminate the student debt of the entire Class of 2019
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) May 19, 2019
Holy S*%t!!! This is so dope! I’m all the way jealous but so proud of my alma mater and this class!!
— Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) May 19, 2019
Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt
— TyreeBP (@TyreeBP) May 19, 2019
Okay now there’s some pressure for other commencement speakers this year ?. Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt
— Goldie Blumenstyk (@GoldieStandard) May 19, 2019
To enter the working world with a degree from a great college, and no student loans to pay off, is an incredible gift. This will change the trajectory of these kids’ lives.
— Laura J. Nelson ? (@laura_nelson) May 19, 2019
more of this but also forgive student loan debt period
— ᴇʀɴ (@heyernold) May 19, 2019
This is simply remarkable... #bydhttmwfi
— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) May 19, 2019
Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt
“This is my class, and I know my class will pay this forward.” Billionaire investor @RFS_Vista surprises graduating @Morehouse students by “announcing that his family was providing a grant to eliminate the student debt of the entire Class of 2019.”
— Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) May 19, 2019
JUST IN: Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 19, 2019
Morehouse commencement speaker Robert F. Smith to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) May 19, 2019
The men of @Morehouse
— Kenya Bradshaw (@KenyaBradshaw) May 19, 2019
have always been world changers but I am certain starting out financially free will bring about even more change.
— NStephens (@NStephens247) May 19, 2019
"I know my class will make sure they pay this forward…and let’s make sure every class has the same opportunity going forward because we are enough to take care of our own community.” AHHHH this is so beautiful. #MorehouseGrad2019
— Talia Schlanger (@TaliaSchlanger) May 19, 2019
JUST IN: Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans. Billionaire Robert F. Smith, who received an honorary doctorate at Morehouse College’s Sunday morning graduation exercises, had already announced a $1.5M gift to the school.
— Debbie (@Dangchick1) May 19, 2019
This is great! ??
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) May 19, 2019
Also love Robert F. Smith’s call-to-action for the students to pay it forward!
This story makes my heart happy.
— BlackFeministThoughtiana (@divafeminist) May 19, 2019
The story underneath it- that it will take around $40 million to pay off around 400 graduating students’ debt. This enraged me.- Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt
Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt
— jamalbryant (@jamalhbryant) May 19, 2019
“During his remarks in front of the nearly 400 graduating seniors, the billionaire technology investor and philanthropist surprised some by announcing that his family was providing a grant to eliminate the student debt of the entire Class of 2019.”
— tolu ogunlesi (@toluogunlesi) May 19, 2019
Robert Smith brought the best out of the new graduating MEN of @Morehouse! I know these young men will take what Robert said today and continue to make a impact change in their community and believe in the same philanthropy efforts that support HBCU’s!
— Sheila Jackson Lee (@JacksonLeeTX18) May 20, 2019
Billionaire Robert F. Smith, who received an honorary doctorate at Morehouse College's commencement, announced that he was providing a grant to eliminate the student debt of the nearly 400 graduating seniors of the Class of 2019.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 19, 2019
억만장자 스미스는 모어하우스 대학교 졸업축하연설을 하면서 2019년도 졸업생 전원의 학자금 융자금을 갚아주겠다고 발표. 백마디 훈계보다 더 큰 도움이지. 모어하우스 대학교는 역사깊은 흑인대학교(HBCU).
— 이상희 (Sang-Hee Lee) (@SangHeeFLee) May 19, 2019
This is nice for the 400 students but what if all billionaires paid their fair share of taxes and the government better supported HBCUs?
— Prof. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein ??♀️ ??? (@IBJIYONGI) May 19, 2019
Man, this guy. Lives and works in Austin, though I bet most people have no idea who he is or would recognize him on the street
— Evan Smith (@evanasmith) May 19, 2019
JUST IN: Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans
— maya king (@mayaaliah) May 19, 2019
The gift is valued at about $40 million. My LORD.
WATCH: Here's the moment the graduation speaker at @Morehouse announced today that he would pay off student loans for the ENTIRE CLASS... ??
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 19, 2019
WATCH: Here's the moment the graduation speaker at @Morehouse announced today that he would pay off student loans for the ENTIRE CLASS... ??
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019
Surprise! Morehouse commencement speaker announces he will pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019
WATCH: Here's the moment the graduation speaker at @Morehouse announced today that he would pay off student loans for the ENTIRE CLASS... ??
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 19, 2019
WATCH: Here's the moment the graduation speaker at @Morehouse announced today that he would pay off student loans for the ENTIRE CLASS... ??
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019
Surprise! Morehouse commencement speaker announces he will pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019
WATCH: Here's the moment the graduation speaker at @Morehouse announced today that he would pay off student loans for the ENTIRE CLASS... ??
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019
WATCH: Here's the moment the graduation speaker at @Morehouse announced today that he would pay off student loans for the ENTIRE CLASS... ??
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019
Surprise! Morehouse commencement speaker announces he will pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019 투자회사 CEO인 억만장자 로버트 F 스미스가 모어하우스 대학 졸업 축사중 이번 졸업생들 학자금대출 약 480억원을 전부 내주겠다고 깜짝발표. 그는 성공한 흑인 사업가로 손꼽히며, 모어하우스는 그의 모교가 아니지만 최고의 흑인대학교로 꼽히는 긴 역사를 갖고 있는 곳.
— foodnjoy (@foodnjoy) May 20, 2019
This is what good billionaires do. They lower the ladder instead of pulling it up behind them. Bad billionaires pull up the ladder. Then they get a reality show, cheat on their wives, pay off porn stars & rely on fake christians to elect them president.
— Wiley Cash (@WileyCash) May 19, 2019
This is great but... imagine being in the class of 2018 or 2020. How pissed would you be?
— Ian Bogost (@ibogost) May 19, 2019
In some ways, this just reinforces the billionaire-hellworld logic that good and bad outcomes in life are subject to the caprice of the insanely wealthy.
Robert Smith’s is an example to us all, because isn’t that what “making it” is about - paying it forward?! Still, America's students & future leaders shouldn't have to look to a stranger’s unexpected generosity to settle their student loan debt. #gapol
— Teresa Tomlinson (@teresatomlinson) May 19, 2019
Billionaire Robert F. Smith to pay off Morehouse grads' student debt. This definitely blows you away the incredible generosity!!! WOW!!
— Bryan Carter (@mrbryanlcarter) May 19, 2019
A billionaire tech investor surprised Morehouse graduates while giving a commencement speech by promising to pay off the Class of 2019’s student loans
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) May 19, 2019
Now this is really something.#respect#Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans | WSB-TV
— Hasan Kwame Jeffries (@ProfJeffries) May 19, 2019
This a life changing gift! Don't miss this story! Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019's student loans:
— Fred Blankenship (@FBlankenshipWSB) May 20, 2019
"I know my class will pay this forward.” Morehouse commencement speaker to pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 19, 2019
Surprise! Morehouse commencement speaker announces he will pay off Class of 2019’s student loans:
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) May 20, 2019