Of course Google tracks your purchase history using Gmail - it tracks everything [www.androidcentral.com]
Google tracks nearly all your online (and some of your offline) purchases -- see it for yourself, here [thenextweb.com]
Google Purchases is a creepy list of your online shopping history [www.slashgear.com]
Google Tracks What You Buy Online With Gmail [www.wired.com]
Google silently stores your purchase history, makes it hard to delete [www.ibtimes.co.in]
Turns out Gmail Man is real, and he has been collecting all your purchase receipts [mspoweruser.com]
Gmail's log of all of your purchases pops up in the privacy debate [www.engadget.com]
How to prevent Google from using information it tracks about your purchases [www.businessinsider.com]
Google is Tracking a History of Things You Buy [geeknewscentral.com]
7 Google privacy settings you should revisit right now [www.fastcompany.com]
You can check your own purchase history at https://t.co/yEgmsdTuiX, "…#Google says it doesn’t use this information to sell you ads." ? #BigData #Privacy https://t.co/z8UlYExNcB
— Alasdair Allan (@aallan) May 17, 2019
at some point the notion of “collecting all this data improves your ad experience” is just silly. there’s no reason to have this much stored information. there should be limited time periods to store such information before auto deleting. it should be default. https://t.co/aqRPTuMQgO
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) May 17, 2019
The purchase history here is just...
— mat honan (@mat) May 17, 2019
Has everything from what I bought for lunch at a sushi counter yesterday, to movies I've seen years ago, to Candy Crush upgrades, and what appears to be every single Amazon purchase I've made dating back to 2013https://t.co/GPB1E8nteM
Everybody last week: Check out this great article on zombie subscriptions costing you money. Pure evil!
— Navin R. Johnson (@pt) May 18, 2019
Everybody this week: Check out this tool that organizes all of your purchases so you know what you’re buying. Why would Google think we want this? https://t.co/LV4X5Q7TFd
This is precisely why I don’t use a personal Gmail account https://t.co/tBV86vRKTR
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 18, 2019
Google showed off some amazing, inspiring stuff at the last IO, but their gaslighting over privacy shows they still don’t respect their own users or business model enough to be honest about what they do. https://t.co/FQyJdRNVFy
— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) May 17, 2019
My key issue with this weird outrage https://t.co/dDQYsoGcVK is that Google already has all those and any other emails that come into Gmail, stored on its servers. And "reads" ALL OF THEM to help you deal with spam.
— Stasys Bielinis (@Staska) May 18, 2019
Ah, I am feeling so vindicated for keeping my information away from Gmail the last 15 years. https://t.co/r1etFmbEE9
— Frisco Uplink, a mammal (@_danilo) May 17, 2019
After seeing their purchase history, I wonder how many people will ask if DuckDuckGo offers email… https://t.co/IEVXUKprDo
— Drew Breunig (@dbreunig) May 18, 2019
The only thing bothering me about the Google purchases page is that it doesn't have charts & analytics that help me better understand my purchasing history and spending habits (via @Techmeme )
— Mustapha Hamoui (@Beirutspring) May 18, 2019
"We don't use it to sell ads" is not a get out clause for the collection huge amounts of data. @sundarpichai, why doesn't this page have a big "delete all" button on it, in keeping with recent pledges? https://t.co/uU17uyU8VT https://t.co/ZI2ZhsYV9Y
— Dave Lee (@DaveLeeBBC) May 17, 2019
What blows my mind about this is that the ad targeting is still mediocre at best
— nilay patel (@reckless) May 17, 2019
Google tracks your purchase history. And so do your banks and payment providers. https://t.co/tF8WfOxACh
— Paolo Amoroso (@amoroso) May 18, 2019
Google tracks nearly all your online (and some of your offline) purchases -- see it for yourself, here https://t.co/4tnsQxDVlQ
— TNW (@thenextweb) May 18, 2019
Google tracks nearly all your online (and some of your offline) purchases -- see it for yourself, here https://t.co/TB4W804p7H
— TNW (@thenextweb) May 18, 2019
Google tracks nearly all your online (and some of your offline) purchases -- see it for yourself, here https://t.co/G7dzvvZajj
— TNW (@thenextweb) May 18, 2019
Google tracks nearly all your online (and some of your offline) purchases — see it for yourself, here https://t.co/HA2cqRpbi6 via @thenextweb
— Bukhori M. Aqid (@bukhorimuhammad) May 18, 2019
Google Tracks What You Buy Online With Gmail https://t.co/Aw27tRkY49 pic.twitter.com/b5cyzRKXO7
— ぱんだ【INFP】 (@Panda__INFP) May 18, 2019
Google Tracks What You Buy Online With Gmail #google #ransomware @wired https://t.co/OWkFcBDgIS
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) May 18, 2019
Google Tracks What You Buy Online With Gmail https://t.co/Nwkwg5mN7H #Privacy #Security pic.twitter.com/jEmdpMiC73
— #AI (@AI__TECH) May 18, 2019
Google Tracks What You Buy Online With Gmail #InfoSec https://t.co/0b99DdkbNC
— Kevin Tembo (@KevTembo) May 18, 2019
Gmail's log of all of your purchases pops up in the privacy debate https://t.co/sqwLFV4jVB
— PresidentTrump (@RichardTBurnett) May 18, 2019
7 Google privacy settings you should revisit right now https://t.co/EK6BavcuZA
— Adam Welcome (@mradamwelcome) May 17, 2019
“7 Google privacy settings you should revisit right now” https://t.co/x6rgD5tlGF #edchat #edtech
— Karen Blumberg (@KarenBlumberg) May 18, 2019
Google's pretty good about giving you control over how it uses your data — but it's up to *you* to seek out the options.
— JR Raphael (@JRRaphael) May 17, 2019
I put together a roadmap to some of the most consequential Google privacy settings. Make sure your account is set up the way you want:https://t.co/k1HNJbOl3a
A few useful things in here. Your mileage may vary, of course. https://t.co/tGs0HI3qXM
— Gary Singh (@gary_singh) May 17, 2019
Maybe Google should introduce a sweeping Incognito feature—flip one switch, and you’re in private mode across all its services. Until then, @JRRaphael is here to help. https://t.co/Ab5j4Z7ntS
— Harry McCracken (@harrymccracken) May 17, 2019
With a bit of tweaking, it’s possible to get a lot out of Google services while sharing much less data. https://t.co/Ab5j4Z7ntS
— Harry McCracken (@harrymccracken) May 17, 2019
That's the whole point. This is how we keep track of things these days. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody that Gmail scans your emails. My question is why aren't people scared of banks, Walmart and other places tracking their purchases? #Gmail https://t.co/W5H2vGMnEa
— Ace Lucero (@AceLuceroTech) May 18, 2019
Google tracks nearly all your online (and some of your offline) purchases -- see it for yourself, here https://t.co/fHZPw8q9BA
— TNW (@thenextweb) May 19, 2019
Google Tracks What You Buy Online With Gmail
— HighCrown (@HighCrownGroup) May 19, 2019
(And then uses it to sell you more stuff)#CyberSecurity #privacy @gmail @Google
via @WIREDhttps://t.co/39gQtYWdPg
Oh Great, #Google #Tracks
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) May 19, 2019
What You #Buy #Online With #Gmail https://t.co/yU6KwiNgNS #fintech #privacy @brbarrett @WIRED #BigData pic.twitter.com/B4bWCWNNdq
So google reads my gmail and tracks my online purchases. Nice.
— Carl T. Bergstrom (@CT_Bergstrom) May 18, 2019
Remind me just how you justify making me use gmail for my work email, @UWITNews?https://t.co/z1Mon61PIM … pic.twitter.com/8I9Oq2HfIC
Oh this new Google purchases thing in Gmail is quite convenient. Thanks @wired for pointing it out. https://t.co/F0cVIWyQuO Google should promote it more.
— Joshua Gans (@joshgans) May 18, 2019
Google allows for the maximum amount of data collection across its various apps and services. If you really want to claim control over exactly how Google collects your activity and uses that information, the onus is on you to take…https://t.co/AYBngAwCoy https://t.co/h5Yxos0hFw
— A S Rajgopal (@AsRajgopal) May 18, 2019