ment 5/18 '19 posted

• Minecraft Earth는 무료로 즐길 수있는 증강 현실 게임에서 현대의 Android 및 iOS 휴대 전화용으로 설계되어 있습니다.
• 이 게임을 통해 플레이어는 Minecraft 블록을 주변 지역을 돌아 다니며 수집하고 공공 공간에서 증강 현실 미니 게임에 참여하며 공유하고 탐구할 수있는 자체 가상 건물을 만들 수 있습니다.
• "이것은 Minecraft의 기본 빌딩 블록을 가져와 현실 세계로 옮깁니다.
• Microsoft에 따르면, 미국의 아이들 절반이 Minecraft를 플레이하고 있습니다.
• Minecraft Earth는 이번 여름에 클로즈드 베타 버전으로 출시 될 예정이지만 처음에 얼마나 많은 사람들이 참여하게 될지에 대한 언급이 없습니다.
• "우리는 Minecraft에서 전체 지구를 뒤덮었습니다."라고 Minecraft Earth의 게임 감독 인 Torfi Olafsson이 말했습니다.
• 그것은 Minecraft Earth이므로 PokémonGO와 Harry Potter : Wizards Unite가 기존의 거리와 랜드 마크 위에 레이어를 두는 것과 같이, 당신은 현실 세계의 특별한 Minecraftified 버전에 살고 있습니다.

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Microsoft is working on a major new Minecraft game for iOS and Android that takes the highly…
Microsoft chasing Pokémon GO’s success with ‘Minecraft Earth’ []
A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft teased a Minecraft AR mobile game during their Build 2019 keynote.…
Minecraft Earth, Microsoft's first mobile AR game, is here to bring blocks to life []
Alex Kipman, Microsoft’s HoloLens and Kinect creator, is always enthusiastic about the future of…
Minecraft Earth for iOS and Android goes a step beyond Pokémon Go []
Microsoft today unveiled its previously teased follow-up to Minecraft, a sequel of sorts. It’s a…
Minecraft’s next game will be a Pokémon Go-style mobile game []
Minecraft Earth has finally been revealed! Formerly codenamed "Genoa," Minecraft Earth is an…
Minecraft Earth gameplay detailed: Adventures, world map, hunger, Tappables, and Build Plates []
Earlier this month, Microsoft teased a new game for smartphones based on the immensely…
Microsoft Announces 'Minecraft Earth', a New Augmented Reality Game for Phones []
EXPLORE Your real-life neighborhood takes on a whole new dimension thanks to…
Earth | Minecraft []
Microsoft Minecraft is about to take over the Earth. First released ten years ago today…
Minecraft Earth Hands-on Preview: The Next Big AR Craze Is Coming []
What if you could play Minecraft, but in the real world instead of just on your computer screen?…
Minecraft Earth sounds like it's going to be an AR game changer []
To mark Minecraft’s 10th anniversary, Microsoft has today announced Minecraft Earth, an…
Microsoft Announces a Minecraft Version Of Pokémon Go []
When your game tops 100 million players, your thoughts naturally turn to doubling that number.…
Minecraft Earth makes the whole real world your very own blocky realm []
Minecraft is one of the most popular video games around, and this summer a new version is coming to…
Minecraft Earth is a new augmented reality game for Android and iOS, beta launching this summer []

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5/18 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/18 '19 answered

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