ment 5/18 '19 posted

• 레이디 가가 (Lady Gaga)는 애플의 직원 특별 행사의 출연자로 확인되었습니다.

Update: Lady Gaga has been confirmed as the performer for Apple’s special event for…
Lady Gaga rumored to be performing at Apple Park opening ceremony [U: Confirmed] []
  Lady Gaga rumored to play Apple Park's formal opening event By Roger…
Lady Gaga rumored to play Apple Park's formal opening event []
Apple Park is decorated with the colors of Apple's classic rainbow logo today in celebration of the…
Apple Park Decorated With Rainbow Colors in Celebration of Steve Jobs and Formal Opening of Campus []

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5/18 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/18 '19 answered

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