ment 5/17 '19 posted

• John Wick은 Fortnite에서 최악의 비밀 유지를 계속합니다.

John Wick continues to be the worst kept secret in Fortnite. The master hitman’s home showed up…
Here’s the John Wick skin coming soon to Fortnite []
Fortbyte 17 – Found inside a wooden fish building has been unlocked and is available to…
Fortnite Fortbyte 17 Location - Found inside a wooden fish building collect guide []
One of gaming’s worst-kept secrets is finally official: you can now play as John Wick in…
John Wick is officially in Fortnite []
Update: Epic Games has released a server side update to fix the ‘Wick’s Bounty’ stability issues.…
Epic Games investigating stability issues with 'Wick's Bounty' LTM []

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5/17 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/18 '19 answered

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