ment 5/12 '19 posted

• 지구상의 헬륨이 부족하기 때문에, 점포의 이익은 감소하고 있습니다. Party City는 역사적으로 풍선을 불어서 많은 돈을 벌었습니다.
• Party City에 좋은 소식은 새로운 헬륨 공급 업체와 계약을 체결한 것입니다.
• Party City는 새로운 공급 업체가 풍선 사업을 정상적으로 여름에 시작하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 믿으며, 공급이 앞으로 2 년 반 동안 지속되기를 희망합니다.

Party City, the brick-and-mortar retailer that's a one-stop-shop for single-use,…
Helium shortage deflating Party City's business []
Balloons are big business for Party City (PRTY). The company's mylar balloon sales fell 8% last…
Party City is facing a helium shortage. It's also closing 45 stores []
Party City announced it will permanently shutter 45 of its stores amid a helium shortage that had…
Balloon Pops On 45 Party City Stores Amid Helium Shortage And Deflated Sales []
CLOSE The New Jersey-based party supplies company did not release a list of affected stores but…
Helium shortage could deflate MRIs, manufacturing, and research []

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5/12 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/12 '19 answered

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