Facebook should not be broken up: Commentary [www.cnbc.com]
How Powerful Is Mark Zuckerberg? [www.theatlantic.com]
It’s Time to Break Up Facebook [www.nytimes.com]
Meet Chris Hughes, the Facebook cofounder who slammed Mark Zuckerberg [www.businessinsider.com]
Is Mark Zuckerberg really that powerful? Or, as @alexismadrigal puts it: “What could an evil Zuckerberg do?” https://t.co/3KXmhLb9B4
— Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF) May 10, 2019
"There is no institutional check on Zuckerberg." https://t.co/ZvERqabnwd
— adam harris (@AdamHSays) May 10, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg controls @Facebook, @Instagram, and @WhatsApp — 3 of the 5 most popular communication tools on the planet. In many countries, Zuckerberg’s products are the internet. https://t.co/bscQN4lKeu #FridayFeeling #HESM
— Nikki Sunstrum (@nikkisunstrum) May 10, 2019
How Powerful Is Mark Zuckerberg?
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) May 9, 2019
Very. https://t.co/nlhbBPdqL2
“Breaking up the company probably would not (immediately) solve the problems ... But it would take one major, underappreciated risk out of the future: that Mark Zuckerberg decides to wield the tremendous power he has so far eschewed.” https://t.co/UhaHU4ep91
— Herb Scribner (@HerbScribner) May 10, 2019
I’m calling for breaking up @Facebook in an essay in the @nytimes. FB has become too big and too powerful, and it’s part of a trend in our economy of an increasing concentration of corporate power. We can fix this: break the company up and regulate it. https://t.co/34rITPfvJ9
— Chris Hughes (@chrishughes) May 9, 2019
I applaud Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes for sounding the alarm on the dangers of unchecked corporate power. We are living in an era of monopolies that dominate every aspect of our lives—including our government. It’s time to take that power back. https://t.co/L3eEofZtnh
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 10, 2019
The Chris Hughes piece on Facebook today is excellent, and I'm not sure why people are dunking on him. We need regulation and antitrust action not because Zuckerberg is a villain, because this level of power is too much for any one person to handle https://t.co/JihGRY5b0r pic.twitter.com/Yne3FiKB60
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) May 9, 2019
“Because Facebook so dominates social networking, it faces no market-based accountability. This means that every time Facebook messes up, we repeat an exhausting pattern: first outrage, then disappointment and, finally, resignation.” https://t.co/vXchCYQFBW
— Camryn Garrett (@dancingofpens) May 10, 2019
Lots of greatness in this Chris Hughes OpEd: "... would-be competitors can’t raise the money to take on Facebook. Investors realize that if a company gets traction, FB will copy its innovations, shut it down or acquire it for a relatively modest sum..." https://t.co/PbkN4H379N
— Dennis Crowley (@dens) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder @ChrisHughes says it's time to break up @Facebook in a new @NYTimes essay.
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) May 9, 2019
Hughes will join us to tell us more, live on @CBSThisMorning Friday. ? https://t.co/Y2nOyLaoxQ
"For too long, lawmakers have marveled at Facebook’s explosive growth and overlooked their responsibility to ensure that Americans are protected and markets are competitive." @chrishughes calls for action to address monopoly power in our economy. @nytimes https://t.co/9FTgaRyyqB
— Roosevelt Institute (@rooseveltinst) May 10, 2019
This piece by @chrishughes is the most devastating analysis of Facebook I’ve read, mainly because of Hughes’ intimacy with how the product developed and Mark Zuckerberg https://t.co/XrhGwpFVuj
— emily bell (@emilybell) May 9, 2019
From a cofounder of Facebook https://t.co/aqAvxgPBIm
— Francis Su (@mathyawp) May 9, 2019
??? Bravo to @chrishughes co-founder of Facebook for stepping out to comprehensively and courageously argue why "It's Time to Break Up Facebook" in NYTimes. Chris has been such an important voice in the movement. https://t.co/XPJK1ZQzbR pic.twitter.com/tbm809sNhf
— Tristan Harris ?⌛️ (@tristanharris) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes’ piece sets forth points that are widely made in expert discussions about Facebook today – with the added frisson of apostasy and gossip. It has one major aspect that confuses me, and second about which I think Hughes himself is confused. 1/ https://t.co/TfMz4p6sCR
— Daphne Keller (@daphnehk) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes is right. Today’s big tech companies have too much power—over our economy, our society, & our democracy. They’ve bulldozed competition, used our private info for profit, hurt small businesses & stifled innovation. It's time to #BreakUpBigTech. https://t.co/rZMftEwlkN
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) May 9, 2019
Regulation is necessary but not sufficient. We need to rewire the technology and the business model that betrayed the original promise of social media. Abandon the Move Fast and Break Things credo. Support innovators who move with purpose and fix things https://t.co/kS9BDS7NhO
— Mark Little (@marklittlenews) May 10, 2019
Arguing about breaking up Facebook is "illogical, difficult and a waste of time," writes @MattRosoff https://t.co/WOxJoUXDKQ
— Springboard Initiative (@springboardccia) May 10, 2019
Thank you @ChrisHughes for calling upon regulators to check @Facebook's power. Members of Congress, executive agencies, and presidential candidates must act to protect users, workers, and everyone else that is threatened by #BigTech's growing influence. https://t.co/g8N716gZjl
— ColorOfChange.org (@ColorOfChange) May 9, 2019
It's time to break up Facebook.https://t.co/hM1eKqmdW0
— Cathy O'Neil (@mathbabedotorg) May 9, 2019
Another rich angry Liberal: "I’m disappointed in myself and the early Facebook team for not thinking more about how the News Feed algorithm could change our culture, influence elections and empower nationalist leaders." https://t.co/teZIJxFcuU
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) May 10, 2019
Opinion | It’s Time to Break Up Facebook - The New York Times https://t.co/3z01R7OFWi
— A West (@ayyy_west) May 11, 2019
“Mark [Zuckerberg]’s influence is staggering, far beyond that of anyone else in the private sector or in government.” He can’t tax me, arrest me, or drop a nuclear bomb. https://t.co/gqNMzwJvrx
— David Boaz (@David_Boaz) May 9, 2019
— Junya Hirano 平野淳也 (@junbhirano) May 10, 2019
I’m resending this. Please read. I an find nothing to disagree with. https://t.co/Pr1Eotle6q
— Tom Peters (@tom_peters) May 11, 2019
Another person advocating for what @profgalloway has been saying. Time to break up big tech https://t.co/f1JPVI9AVU
— Yasser Hernandez (@yasser_hdz) May 9, 2019
It’s Time to Break Up #Facebook (The New York Times): One of Facebook’s co-founders calls for the social network to be broken up by regulators, arguing it has “unchecked power” and has created a monopoly and given “unilateral control over speech” https://t.co/NN0tTROdmn
— Xavier Amouroux (@XavierAmouroux) May 11, 2019
This alone is reason enough, but there are thousands more words worth reading from Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook: "There is no precedent for his (Zuckerberg's) ability to monitor, organize and even censor the conversations of two billion people." https://t.co/O3oM3sjJAv
— Molly Wood (@mollywood) May 9, 2019
Breakup Facebook & regulate it, says co-founder @chrishughes in this stunning essay. It seems to me Facebook IS the natural end of free-market capitalism. So, if FB needs serious reform, then the core tenets of capitalism need serious reform, no? @RBReich https://t.co/yrgz034NQJ
— Tina Faiz (@Tina_Faiz) May 10, 2019
I agree wholeheartedly with this blunt, smart @nytimes op-ed by @facebook co-founder Chris Hughes calling for breaking up that huge, cancerous company AND regulating the remaining entities under a tough new federal privacy law.https://t.co/3NqFiT4mZf?
— Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) May 9, 2019
This is powerful & important. Co-founder of Facebook says: American lawmakers must take action now to break up Facebook https://t.co/E06pzYwy0k
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) May 9, 2019
"Mark’s influence is staggering, far beyond that of anyone else in the private sector or in government."
— Kumi Taguchi | 田口久実 (@kumitaguchi) May 10, 2019
The only thing you need to read today, brilliant https://t.co/c9pjudTcbH
— Tanja Milevska (@MilevskaTanja) May 10, 2019
Oh hai, I think it’s a good time to talk to this guy @chrishughes on Recode Decode about his piece on breaking up Facebook in @nytopinion. It got some notice apparently, so I did for 60 minutes. Posting soon, but here is Chris’ piece to get you ready: https://t.co/32dyhRky8K pic.twitter.com/6uzwhnXjsx
— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) May 10, 2019
Opinion | It’s Time to Break Up Facebook https://t.co/PpgiNCULl9
— Dr Boyce Watkins (@drboycewatkins1) May 10, 2019