Government should break up network []
Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful []
Subscribe to read | Financial Times []
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes calls for company's breakup []
Co-founder of Facebook calls for breakup of Facebook []
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg 'not accountable,' calls for government break up []
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes on lessons from New Republic failure []
Facebook co-founder calls for breakup of Facebook []
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up []
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes calls for the company to be broken up []
What prompted this? That’s the story.
— Edmund Lee (@edmundlee) May 9, 2019
Real bombshell of an editorial from a Facebook co-founder — you can expect that the topic of breaking up FB and undoing Instagram and WhatsApp deals will at least start being discussed seriously at government level in US and potentially other countries
— Jon Russell (@jonrussell) May 9, 2019
Maybe I'm missing something but there's nothing new or interesting in that Chris Hughes FB piece other than that it's coming from someone who got insanely rich by being Mark Zuckerberg's college roommate
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) May 9, 2019
Very well orchestrated I would say. Love to know the back story though I can guess pretty well
— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) May 9, 2019
Radical and well reasoned ?
— Elysse Morgan (@ElysseMorgan) May 9, 2019
"The most problematic aspect of Facebook’s power is Mark’s unilateral control over speech. There is no precedent for his ability to monitor, organize and even censor the conversations of two billion people." -Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes
— Tow Center (@TowCenter) May 9, 2019
It's quite wild to me that we're likely to see Facebook punished for the "crime" of getting Trump elected while he Teflon Don's his way through every scandal.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) May 9, 2019
It's interesting to read Chris Hughes recent op-ed with the context below from the Obama era.
a well argued, sober case for breaking up facebook...from one of its co-founders
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) May 9, 2019
“i made some sweet dough but now I’ll speak up”
— Melinda Byerley (@MJB_SF) May 9, 2019
This is an example of the uniquely American perspective that competition solves every market problem instead of regulation.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) May 9, 2019
However in reality many markets tend towards oligopolies where there are so few players that competition is nominal so regulation still needed.
Consider the huge advantage the fused FB/IG/WA now has in backed end operational and technical integration. Scaling to billions, both technically and now even more importantly, legally and operationally, is what startups don't do well. FB will just hose any upstart.
— Antonio García Martínez (@antoniogm) May 9, 2019
I don't think breaking up Facebook will improve how it manhandles democracy.
— Christopher Mims ? (@mims) May 9, 2019
I do think it would increase competition in new, interesting and useful ways.
What vague calls to “break up” Facebook miss:
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) May 9, 2019
- All of these apps (Insta, WhatsApp, etc.) are now tightly integrated into FB (esp Insta). Unclear how they would even be able to function on their own now. (1/2)
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes: “The government must hold Mark accountable.”
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) May 9, 2019
"I'm disappointed in myself and the early Facebook team for not thinking more about how the algorithm could change our culture, influence elections and empower nationalist leaders."
— Doug Saunders (@DougSaunders) May 9, 2019
I’m calling for breaking up @Facebook in an essay in the @nytimes. FB has become too big and too powerful, and it’s part of a trend in our economy of an increasing concentration of corporate power. We can fix this: break the company up and regulate it.
— Chris Hughes (@chrishughes) May 9, 2019
He's also correct FB's ingestion of IG/WA grants it an inescapable monopoly on user demand for social media, but with little in the way of consumer benefit (many don't even realize IG/WA are owned by FB).
— Antonio García Martínez (@antoniogm) May 9, 2019
I doubt it will change anyone's mind who's already decided that Chris is right, but reading through his argument for why Facebook needs to be broken it up... he seems to get nearly all of the details wrong.
— Mike Masnick (@mmasnick) May 9, 2019
It’s Time to Break Up Facebook by Chris Hughes!!!
— Zephyr Teachout (@ZephyrTeachout) May 9, 2019
"The government must hold Mark accountable. For too long, lawmakers have .. overlooked their responsibility to ensure that Americans are protected and markets are competitive."
"Facebook isn’t afraid of a few more rules. It’s afraid of an antitrust case and of the kind of accountability that real government oversight would bring." -- FB cofounder @chrishughes here:
— Eli Pariser (@elipariser) May 9, 2019
After almost bringing down The New Republic, Chris Hughes is on to bigger companies.
— Bhaskar Sunkara (@sunraysunray) May 9, 2019
It’s amazing and quite indicative that Facebook thought hiring Nick Clegg would give them any ethical or political kudos. It’s just confirmed how shameless they can be.
— Charlie Beckett (@CharlieBeckett) May 9, 2019
Here’s FB’s comment on the Chris Hughes op-ed that appeared in the NYT today.
— Kurt Wagner (@KurtWagner8) May 9, 2019
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes calls for a Facebook breakup. Zuckerberg, he writes, “has created a leviathan that crowds out entrepreneurship and restricts consumer choice.”
— kelsey sutton (@kelseymsutton) May 9, 2019
None of the ideas in here are new. They have been repeated for a few years by a small coterie of neo-Brandeisians. Yet this is the most powerful statement because of who said it.
— Kim-Mai Cutler (@kimmaicutler) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes clearly read Frank Foer's book and decided, on balance, he would rather be on Frank's side of history than Mark Zuckerburg's. Good for him. This seems like a big deal.
— David Klion? (@DavidKlion) May 9, 2019
“It’s Time to Break Up Facebook”.......”I’m disappointed in myself and the early Facebook team for not thinking more about how the News Feed algorithm could change our culture, influence elections and empower nationalist leaders.“
— Mark Scott (@mscott) May 9, 2019
Oops Nick Clegg. Pro tip I got from a movie: The Internet is written in ink.
— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) May 9, 2019
Calls for regulating or breaking up Facebook (and other tech giants) were easily labeled as though driven by European jealousy for a long time. Now one of Facebook’s co-founders pinpoints the risks of a lack of oversight and accountability here ↘️
— Marietje Schaake (@MarietjeSchaake) May 9, 2019
Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes:
— Justin Hendrix (@justinhendrix) May 9, 2019
"We are a nation with a tradition of reining in monopolies, no matter how well intentioned the leaders of these companies may be. Mark’s power is unprecedented and un-American.
"It is time to break up Facebook."
There’s more hand-waving in this Facebook statement on Chris Hughes’ op-ed than there was in the last episode of Fosse/Verdon*
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) May 9, 2019
(*I do not watch this show but assuming it involves a lot of Fosse choreography)
This is BIG: My friend and FB cofounder @chrishughes wrote a 6000 word piece for the NYT today on why it's time to break up Facebook. Important read.
— Eli Pariser (@elipariser) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes helped Mark Zuckerberg transform Facebook from a dorm-room project into a real business. Now, he's calling for the company to be broken up.
— CNN (@CNN) May 9, 2019
Wow. Chris cofounded Facebook and now he says the government should require it to sell off WhatsApp and Instagram. Read the essay -->
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes is right. Today’s big tech companies have too much power—over our economy, our society, & our democracy. They’ve bulldozed competition, used our private info for profit, hurt small businesses & stifled innovation. It's time to #BreakUpBigTech.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) May 9, 2019
i mean that's just like your opinion, mannnn
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) May 9, 2019
It makes me uncomfortable that all these dudes grow a conscience after getting dirty rich, but Facebook's co-founder coming out and saying that the company should be broken up feels like it might be a turning point
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes says it's time to break up the company.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) May 9, 2019
My bet is that this will land harder in Silicon Valley than Elizabeth Warren's pledge to break up Big Tech.
Perhaps more importantly, Facebook has a monopsony on user attention (i.e. a huge aggregator of it, effectively a supplier of eyeballs), which grants it huge leverage over actual media producers and advertisers.
— Antonio García Martínez (@antoniogm) May 9, 2019
I get into the biz details here:
Nick Clegg on monopolies in September 2017 vs Nick Clegg on monopolies in May 2019
— Olivia Solon (@oliviasolon) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook, said the social networking giant should be broken up in an op-ed on The New York Times.
— USA TODAY Tech (@usatodaytech) May 9, 2019
I agree with this article. Facebook is basically a monopoly and should be broken up. Competition has made every aspect of business better.
— Danny Tarkanian (@DannyTarkanian) May 9, 2019
Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful
— The Verge (@verge) May 9, 2019
Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful via @Verge
— Pui-Wing Tam (@puiwingtam) May 9, 2019
Break ‘em up!
— nilay patel (@reckless) May 9, 2019
“Facebook accepts that with success comes accountability. But you don’t enforce accountability by calling for the breakup of a successful American company” - Nick Clegg
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) May 9, 2019
We should have real discussion about what “success” means here. It ain’t just money. Some really terrible things have come out of this company — ethnic violence, the thread of conspiracy theories and racist rhetoric etc.
— Linette Lopez (@lopezlinette) May 9, 2019
i cant stop laughing at this headline
— andrew webster (@A_Webster) May 9, 2019
Facebook fires back at Chris Hughes in a statement that reeks of Trumpism: Basically argues it shouldn't be broken up because it's very, very successful, one of the most-successful platforms in the world, the best, no one is better than Facebook.
— Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) May 9, 2019
Zuck, please.
— Greg Greene (@ggreeneva) May 9, 2019
Standard Oil and AT&T were successful, too. They still got broken up — and deserved to be.
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes calls for its break-up
— Financial Times (@FT) May 9, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg’s 'unchecked power' has created a monopoly and given him 'unilateral control over speech', argued one of Facebook's co-founders, Chris Hughes, in an opinion piece for The New York Times — asking for regulators to break up the social network
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) May 9, 2019
— deepthroat (@gloomynews) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg ‘not accountable,’ calls for government break up via @NBCNews
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg ‘not accountable,’ calls for government break up #FckZuck via @NBCNews
— Emoluments Clause (@corybantic) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg 'not accountable,' calls for government break up | via nbcnews
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) May 9, 2019
“The #Facebook that exists today is not the Facebook that we founded in 2004 & the one that we have today I think is far too big. It's far too powerful & most importantly, its CEO, #MarkZuckerberg, is not accountable."-Facebook founder Chris Hughes#QAnon
— John F. Kennedy Jr. (@JFKJr2020) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg ‘not accountable,’ calls for government break up via @nbcnews
— ? Pink Lady 4 Trump? (@pink_lady56) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder calls for breakup of company
— INFURIATEDchris (@clwhite58) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up via Natasha Lomas #ML #AI #Analytics #Automation
— Dr. Gerald Bader,PhD (@gerald_bader) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up
— Ron Miller (@ron_miller) May 9, 2019
JUST IN: Facebook responds to @ChrisHughes op-ed, saying " you don’t enforce accountability by calling for the break up of a successful American company"
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) May 9, 2019
FACEBOOK: Strong disagree on breaking up Facebook.
— Jay Yarow (@jyarow) May 9, 2019
Sen. Richard Blumenthal tells CNBC he agrees with Chris Hughes and Facebook needs to be broken up. "The acquisitions of Instagram and WhatApp need to be unwound..."
— Steve Kovach (@stevekovach) May 9, 2019
Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook, said the power of CEO Mark Zuckerberg is "unprecedented and un-American."
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) May 9, 2019
Hey Zuckerberg, now that you’ve fucked all of us, I’ll give you a genius idea to clean up your social media platforms: take less profits and hire more people!! Stop crying about how complex it is and get your shit together, asshole! via @USATODAY
— John Young (@jeyoung200) May 9, 2019
Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful
— The Verge (@verge) May 10, 2019
Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful via @Verge
— Zane Zodrow (@ZaneZodrow) May 9, 2019
FB, can you spell "Break up"? Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful via @Verge
— Ridgely Muhammad (@DrRidgely) May 9, 2019
Ma Bell totally should have used this argument.
— Matt Largey (@mattlargey) May 9, 2019
Facebook says it shouldn’t be broken up because it is very successful via @Verge
Co-founder of Facebook calls for breakup of Facebook
— Xeni Jardin (@xeni) May 10, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg 'not accountable,' calls for government break up | via: nbcnews
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) May 10, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg ‘not accountable,’ calls for government break up via @nbcnews
— Morgan Fairchild (@morgfair) May 10, 2019
Facebook co-founder says Zuckerberg 'not accountable,' calls for government break up || via: nbcnews
— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) May 10, 2019
Facebook co-founder calls for government to break up tech giant
— Melissa Kester (@MelissaKester) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up
— TD (@TomiDee) May 10, 2019
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up @Techcrunch
— TheSmartIT (@TheSmartIT) May 9, 2019
“Zuckerberg’s absolute influence over Facebook, and therefore over the unprecedented billions of people he can reach and behaviourally reprogram via content-sorting algorithms”
— Isaya Yunge (@IsayaYunge) May 10, 2019
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up –
Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, calls for Facebook to be broken up.
— quincy harley jr (@QHarleyJr) May 9, 2019
Couldn't agree more. Zuckerburg did his part in screwing up 2016's election
— TwoCents5818 (@cents5818) May 9, 2019
Facebook co-founder calls for the company to be broken up and says Zuckerberg has 'unilateral control ov... #Topbuzz
Co-Founder of FaceBook, says that FB must be broken up, because Zuckerberg has become a tyrannical enemy of free speech
— Ordo Militaris Catholicus HQ (@MilitarisCath) May 9, 2019
Facebookの共同創設者であるChris HughesがNew York Timesの論説で「Facebook、Instagram、WhatsAppは切り離されるべき」「Mark Zuckerbergの力が強くなりすぎている」と批判。Facebookはまさに3つのプラットフォームを統合しようとしている最中。
— 今村咲 (@saki_imamura) May 9, 2019