Epson moves Moverio AR glasses to USB-C for phone and PC compatibility []
Epson's $500 smart glasses are literally powered by your phone []
Epson’s new augmented reality glasses can plug into your phone []
Epson's $500 USB-C glasses are second screens for your phone []
Epson launches $499 smart glasses using Android, Windows compute []
Epson’s new augmented reality glasses can plug into your phone
— The Verge (@verge) May 8, 2019
Epson's new $500 USB-C Moverio smartglasses are powered off Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 phones, can work with Samsung Dex as a second display. Which was totally weird for me to try.
— Scott SteiO19 (@jetscott) May 8, 2019
Epson's $500 smart glasses are literally powered by your phone #ar
— tipatat@MSBuild (@tipatat) May 9, 2019
Epson’s new augmented reality glasses can plug into your phone via @Verge
— Ori Inbar #SpatialComputing (@comogard) May 8, 2019
Our newest product: USB-C smart glasses! Hook right up to your smartphone. Run all your favorite apps in a glasses-optimized UI with “spaces” that work with head tracking. ?? #smartglasses #augmentedreality #moverio
— Leon Laroue (@leonlaroue) May 9, 2019
Smartglasses: Epson launches $499 smart glasses using Android, Windows compute
— Tim Merel (@DigiCapitalist) May 8, 2019
Epson launches $499 smart glasses using Android, Windows compute by @ldignan
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) May 8, 2019