ment 5/9 '19 posted

• 증강 현실 안경은 수년간 주류에서 성공하지 못했지만, 첨단 기술 기업은 이들이 궁극적으로 이륙할 것이라는 기대와 함께 기본 기술을 발전시키고 있습니다.

Mainstream success has eluded augmented reality glasses for years, but tech companies keep…
Epson moves Moverio AR glasses to USB-C for phone and PC compatibility []
Aesthetics aside, though, Epson's latest offering comes…
Epson's $500 smart glasses are literally powered by your phone []
Epson has a new pair of augmented reality glasses on the market — and while they’re not meant…
Epson’s new augmented reality glasses can plug into your phone []
Epson's new glasses don't look…
Epson's $500 USB-C glasses are second screens for your phone []

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5/9 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/9 '19 answered

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