ment 5/8 '19 posted

• 전자 메일에서 생산자는 스마트폰의 강도를 향상시키는 데 진전이 있음을 확인했지만 단말기가 마케팅 준비를 마칠 날짜를 아직 정할 수는 없습니다.
• 삼성 전자는 기기에 대한 출하일을 아직 확인할 수 없다고 말했고 고객의 연락이없는 한 5 월 31 일까지 모든 예약 상품을 취소한다고 발표했습니다.
• 고객이 장치 배송 전에 언제든지 주문을 취소할 수 있다고 말했지만, 달 말까지 완료하지 않으면 고객이 링크를 클릭하여 진행하지 않는 한 주문을 취소합니다.

In the past few hours, Samsung team has sent an email to users who have pre-ordered the Samsung…
Still no news for the Samsung Galaxy Fold launch date []
Samsung on Tuesday acknowledged that it is unable to provide a firm release date for its Galaxy…
Samsung Still Has No Idea When the Galaxy Fold Will Launch []
Samsung Has No Idea When It Will Start Shipping Galaxy Fold…
Samsung Has No Idea When It Will Start Shipping Galaxy Fold Pre-Orders []
In brief: It appears that we're no closer to the end of the Galaxy Fold…
Samsung asks customers if they want to keep their Galaxy Fold orders, still no shipping date for troubled device []
There are the issues regarding durability of the screen of Samsung Galaxy Fold smartphone, just…
Customers Must Confirm To Keep Galaxy Fold Orders, Says Samsung []
The launch of the Samsung Galaxy Fold is probably going…
It's decision time: Samsung tells buyers it will cancel their Galaxy Fold pre-orders unless told not to []
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)There’s more bad news for all you bleeding edge early adopters…
Even Samsung Has No Idea When the Galaxy Fold Will Ship []
With delivery of the Samsung Galaxy Fold figuratively blowing up last month when major quality…
Buyers will need to opt-in if they still want a Samsung Galaxy Fold []
Samsung is cancelling Galaxy Fold orders unless customers confirm that they still wish to…
Galaxy Fold orders will be automatically canceled by default- 9to5Google []

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5/8 '19 answered

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