ment 5/8 '19 posted

• 윈도우 스토어에 있는 알렉사 앱의 최신 버전은 아마존의 보이스 어시스턴트가 앱이 백그라운드에서 실행되거나 최소화될 때 알렉사 어웨이크 단어를 듣게 될 것이라고 지적했습니다.

Alexa can now be summoned with just your voice on any Windows 10 PC. The latest version of the…
Alexa is now hands-free on every Windows 10 device []
While Cortana is still technically the default voice-activated virtual assistant on…
Every Windows 10 PC can now use Alexa hands-free []
Alexa is usually…
You can use Alexa hands-free on Windows 10 PCs []
The Windows 10 app for Alexa is now able to hear and act on commands without you having to lift…
Alexa is now hands-free on all Windows 10 devices []
Prefer to invoke Alexa hands-free on your PC? You’re in luck. Amazon today rolled out an…
You can now invoke Alexa on Windows PCs hands-free []

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5/8 '19 answered

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