ment 5/7 '19 posted

• 이 새로운 대화식 엔진은 Cortana에 통합되어 Bot Framework 및 Azure의 다른 표면을 통해 개발자가 사용할 수있게 되어 회사 및 고객의 생태계 전반에 걸쳐 대화식 경험을 제공합니다.
• 새로운 대화형 엔진은 개발자가 사용할 수 있게 되어 제 3자가 특정 사용 사례를 위해 자체 가상 에이전트를 만들 수 있습니다.

Using technology from Semantic Machines, a natural language…
Microsoft's Cortana will eventually sound more like a real assistant []
Microsoft (MSFT) wants to change how and where you work. And to do that it's showing off a variety…
How Microsoft is shaping the future of your office []
Today at Build 2019, Microsoft announced a new conversational engine that will integrate with…
Cortana 'conversational AI' enables smarter voice assistance []
Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana, fell behind Google Assistant and Alexa in 2018. The…
Microsoft is making Cortana better at holding conversations []
A woman engages in a fluid, back-and-forth dialogue with an intelligent assistant that helps her…
What’s Microsoft’s vision for conversational AI? Computers that understand you []

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5/7 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/7 '19 answered

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