Build 2019: Windows 10 to Pick Up Tabbed Terminal, More - https://t.co/R98Ee1mFxN pic.twitter.com/UUM4AzH7k8
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) May 6, 2019
It's ABOUT TIME we got emojis in the Terminal window. ?????☠️???♂️?♂️?️✂️?https://t.co/38rFHaBSlP
— TechLinked (@TechLinkedYT) May 6, 2019
Windows gets a new terminal https://t.co/CJesys9ilE
— Baadier Sydow (@Baadier) May 6, 2019
Windows 10 will get a new terminal for the command prompt, PowerShell, and the Linux subsystem.https://t.co/GureVuIU9B
— Unix tool tip (@UnixToolTip) May 6, 2019
Love my command line :-) https://t.co/oTsPxYjS77
— Connor McDonald ?☕️ (@connor_mc_d) May 6, 2019
Of the announcements coming out of Build, the thing I'm most excited about is the new terminal app in Windows 10: https://t.co/Ysprj4yiXY It's about time. This is going to be a big improvement for WSL users.
— Ryan Paul ? (@segphault) May 6, 2019
And WSL2 is coming - which will apparently make npm fast again. ;)https://t.co/Nif0B6RiCy
— Raymond Camden ? (@raymondcamden) May 6, 2019
Microsoft is really wooing developers who use macOS/Linux at #MSBuild
— Emil Protalinski (@EPro) May 6, 2019
- Windows Terminal
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2
- React Native for Windowshttps://t.co/YaStRR4Ukj
Microsoft added full native containerization support in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 annnnnd it’s building its own proper terminal ❤️ https://t.co/tqRQv8ushQ
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) May 6, 2019
This is super exciting. In June, Microsoft is releasing WSL v2 which will be based on Linux kernel v4.19 and will be able to run #Docker natively without needing Docker for Windows / Hyper-V. Huge I/O speedups are also coming with this release. #cantwait https://t.co/nNJMwDG7x7
— Nick Janetakis (@nickjanetakis) May 6, 2019
Microsoft announces a slew of offerings for developers including Windows Terminal, available in preview, XAML Islands, and React Native for Windows (Emil Protalinski/VentureBeat) https://t.co/817ipjB7UB
— Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) May 6, 2019
Windows Terminalというのも気になるけど、「support running Linux Docker containers natively」というのも気になる。
— mattttttttsu (@mattttttttsu) May 6, 2019
Microsoft announces Windows Terminal and WSL 2, coming in Junehttps://t.co/1r0URAV2ZC
— Frank Denis (@jedisct1) May 6, 2019
> Microsoft is promising developers “twice as much speed for file-system heavy operations, such as Node Package Manager install.”
— てらモス♋ (@termoshtt) May 6, 2019
> full Unicode support, including East Asian fonts, emojis, ligatures, theming, and extensions.
— てらモス♋ (@termoshtt) May 6, 2019
> a new application for command-line users that promises a user interface with “graphics-processing-unit-accelerated text rendering.”
— てらモス♋ (@termoshtt) May 6, 2019
Microsoft announces Windows Terminal and WSL 2, coming in June https://t.co/9rCiPg8DuS @VentureBeatさんから
— てらモス♋ (@termoshtt) May 6, 2019
Microsoft demonstrating the new Windows Terminal app. Check out the sizzle video! https://t.co/SkYLKgc95p pic.twitter.com/Ci2nJ8Ii7F
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 6, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows https://t.co/7aYBYLbRnh vía @Verge
— Gustavo D. Presman (@gpresman) May 6, 2019
Microsoft is unveiling a new Windows Terminal tool today for Windows 10. It’s a new app that combines cmd, Powershell, and WSL into a single environment with tab support and lots of customizations. All the details here: https://t.co/oMhgPazd78 pic.twitter.com/UlqhUOMcje
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) May 6, 2019
I bought a $300 Dell laptop yesterday (w/ 12GB of RAM!), so this excites me: https://t.co/dJyis05I6Q
— Erik (@eaj) May 6, 2019
마이크로소프트, 오늘 빌드 개발자 컨퍼런스에서 윈도우 터미널 공개. 이는 새로운 윈도우 용 명령 라인 앱. 윈도우 터미널, 이모지 및 GPU 기반 텍스트 렌더링 지원. MS, 윈도우 터미널 6월 중순 배포할 계획으로 이는 윈도우 10 상의 개발자 환경을 개선하려는 최신 노력임. https://t.co/L0EgeaZcdV
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) May 6, 2019
Who put the emojis there! :D #MSBuild https://t.co/OAPudENETG
— Haritha (@naadiya007) May 6, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows https://t.co/9pBFakkM54
— puppy....... 2!! (@pup_hime) May 6, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windowshttps://t.co/SLLvYDHHI5 pic.twitter.com/Gp8jOZUQC6
— The Verge (@verge) May 6, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows - The Verge https://t.co/zBphQ0ufbW #msbuild pic.twitter.com/L26FqB3BTm
— Marcus Lambert @ #MSBuild (@76mel) May 6, 2019
?IE mode for Edge!?
— Justin Fagnani (@justinfagnani) May 6, 2019
Together with the new Edge running on Windows all the way back to Windows 7, this could finally be the last days of IE11!https://t.co/eiydpa1eGg pic.twitter.com/NUdnpQqu8V
More WSL2 details: the Linux kernel is in a thin hypervisor container, using 9P to connect to the Windows environment. UXis handled by Windows; it has its own ext4 filesystem in a mounted VHD. Shipping in Insider builds in June. #MSBuild
— Simon Le Gros Bisson ?? ✈ SEA and BUILD 2019 (@sbisson) May 6, 2019
This is smart and well-timed. Windows is becoming a legitimate competitor to OS X for cloud-native development at a moment when Macbook Pro users are screaming for working keyboards and features like LTE. https://t.co/wWQp9GRPHA
— Alex Stamos (@alexstamos) May 6, 2019
Good things comes to those who wait:
— Demis Bellot (@demisbellot) May 6, 2019
"WSL 2 is based on a Linux 4.19 kernel"
"twice as much speed for file-system heavy operations, such as Node Package Manager install"
"WSL 2 will also support running Linux Docker containers natively"https://t.co/WvRYnDOvMD
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows https://t.co/m58n1bVv4d via @Verge
— Christophe Fiessinger (@cfiessinger) May 6, 2019
Coming soon: Windows Terminal—finally a tabbed, emoji-capable Windows command-line https://t.co/dFzjcV6Sg9
— Pumpkin Fright?⚕️? (@DrPizza) May 6, 2019
Coming soon: Windows Terminal—finally a tabbed, emoji-capable Windows command-line https://t.co/DPY3B1Ece2
— Dirk Strauss (@DirkStrauss) May 6, 2019
便利だと思うけど地味だな - Build 2019: Windows 10 to Pick Up Tabbed Terminal, More https://t.co/GyKz7ZVNDy
— J (@j17sf) May 6, 2019
How cute... Microsoft is coming up with a new shell that will support unicode and emojis... https://t.co/SsTfFs26db
— Daniel Lemire (@lemire) May 6, 2019
A new Microsoft app coming this June: 'Windows Terminal' to replace the old CMD shell, with tabs, plug-in extensions and themes, for PowerShell and Windows Subsystem for Linux.
— Jason Fossen (@JasonFossen) May 6, 2019
(#windows10 #powershell #wsl #linux #pscore)https://t.co/pKoeAXxHLT
VSCode の大幅な改善、オンライン版 https://t.co/od57Yn2zoG Windows の新しいターミナル https://t.co/G4ZjVLb2Ab Linux カーネルの同梱 https://t.co/IMDTCI0H3y Microsoftから素晴らしいニュースの連続。時価総額でもAppleを抜き、開発環境としての魅力もWindowsとMacの差が急速に縮まってる。
— Masato Hagiwara (萩原正人) (@mhagiwara_ja) May 7, 2019
Windows gets a new terminal...that supports emoji? | @TechCrunch https://t.co/Yk6TypM76L
— Tim Warner (@TechTrainerTim) May 6, 2019
Third time’s the charm https://t.co/Zsyy6XFQFN
— Gonçalo (@goncalossilva) May 6, 2019
Windows gets a new terminal https://t.co/2PXgqMQO5N – this, my friends, is truly great news!! ?
— Mogens Heller Grabe (@mookid8000) May 6, 2019
With the new Windows Terminal + WSL 2, and daily frustration with broken Macbook keyboard, June is a good time to get Windows laptop https://t.co/lMaW8AYq7s
— Huiming Teo (@teohm) May 6, 2019
おお、Windows Terminal. Sets はほぼなくなったが、唯一このTerminal に残っている感じ。PowerShell, Command line などが一つのアプリに統合。使ってみて便利かどうか、使い勝手がいいかは是非フィードバックを。https://t.co/q9dOLc08Xn
— しのぶ@エバンジェリスト (@shinoblogavi) May 6, 2019
Microsoft announces Windows Terminal and WSL 2, coming in June https://t.co/a9z18aMjB5 @VentureBeatさんから
— 吉崎亮介 (株)キカガク代表 (@yoshizaki_kkgk) May 7, 2019
Big steps by Microsoft to attract more developers.
— Karens Grigorjancs (@kgrigorjancs) May 7, 2019
- React Native for Windows
- New fancy terminal
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 with better and 'native' Linux support#welcomeback #Microsoft
Native emoji support now with the new command prompt replacement, Windows Terminal! Can't wait to try it!https://t.co/vS1N72ohBN
— Stephen Owen ?Deploy (@FoxDeploy) May 6, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, It’s designed to be the central location for access to environments like PowerShell, Cmd, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)https://t.co/qkXmaXB8yl via @Verge
— James (@vastidity) May 7, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows - The Verge https://t.co/MYxDhmRrLX #build2019
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) May 7, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows https://t.co/zGbmZbM4dX
— Jeremy Brun (@jeremytbrun) May 7, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windowshttps://t.co/SLLvYDHHI5 pic.twitter.com/LtwvYQ2GzS
— The Verge (@verge) May 7, 2019
Microsoft unveils Windows Terminal, a new command line app for Windows https://t.co/yFmdZcxrak
— Thomas Kioko™ (@code_wizard) May 7, 2019
Open source champion Microsoft announces Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) at Build 2019 - https://t.co/2tmeT4iV4y
— Carmen (@CarmenLClark) May 6, 2019
Recommended Read: Coming soon: Windows Terminal—finally a tabbed, emoji-capable Windows command-line https://t.co/LYwGu0lt4S
— Chris Short (@ChrisShort) May 6, 2019
? Windows users haven't ever had emojis in the terminal?!? https://t.co/QK2p0M12UP
— Chris Short (@ChrisShort) May 6, 2019