ment 5/7 '19 posted

• 주말에 버크셔 해서웨이 연례 주주 총회에 방문했을 때, 팀 쿡은 CNBC와의 인터뷰에 앉아 애플의 최근 인수에 대한 뉴스를 일부 공유했습니다.
• 쿡은 애플이 최근 인수한 기업과 관련하여 아무 것도 주지 않았지만, 지난 6 개월 동안 최대 25 개를 구입했다는 사실을 공유했습니다.
• 쿡은 회사가 작고 애플이 "주로 재능과 지적 재산권을 찾고 있기 때문에 애플은 이 거래를 발표하지 않는다"고 말했습니다.
• 팀 쿡 (Tim Cook) CEO는 CNBC와의 인터뷰에서 애플은 평균 2 ~ 3 주마다 회사를 매입한다고 밝혔습니다.
• 적극적인 인수 스타일은 애플의 엄청난 구매력을 돋보이게합니다.
• 2/4 분기 실적 발표에서 애플은 2254 억 달러의 현금을 지녀, 세계에서 가장 현금이 풍부한 회사 중 하나가 되었습니다.
• 과거 애플의 대규모 인수에는 2017 년에 Shazam을 4 억 달러에 인수하고 2014 년에 Beats를 30 억 달러를 인수하는 것이 포함되지만 그 범위의 인수 합병은 거의 없었습니다.

During his trip to Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder’s meeting over the weekend, Tim…
Apple has acquired 20-25 companies in the last six months, says Tim Cook []
Tim Cook, CEO, AppleBrendan McDermid | ReutersApple buys a company every two to three weeks on…
Apple buys a company every few weeks, says CEO Tim Cook []
Apple has bought 20 to 25 companies in the past six months, according to CEO Tim Cook, but you…
Apple has made 14 or more mystery acquisitions in the past 6 months []
Apple's been buying up companies, its…
Tim Cook: Apple bought 20 to 25 companies in the past six months []
As easy as a stroll down the street. Photo: Drew…
Apple acquisitions average out to one company every two weeks []
Warren Buffett is one of the largest investors in Apple, and the reasonably positive…
Warren Buffett 'Had a Little Help From His Friend at Apple' in Developing a New Paper-Toss Game []
CNBC has published its full interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook that covers a wide range of…
Tim Cook describes his relationship with Warren Buffett and more in new interview []
Apple is one of the biggest companies on the planet and makes technologies that have…
Apple acquires 20+ firms in 6 months; we only know around 8 of them []
Apple typically buys smaller companies from time to time for their talent or specific technologies…
Apple has acquired more than two-dozen startups in the past six months []
The big picture: Apple on average acquires a company every two to three…
Apple is quietly buying companies left and right []
Apple doesn’t always tell the world when it buys another company — but in reality, it’s quietly…
Apple buys companies at the same rate you buy groceries []
Apple has bought 20 to 25 companies in the past six months, according to CEO Tim Cook, but you…
Apple has made 14 or more mystery acquisitions in the past 6 months []
  Apple partners with Warren Buffett on new newspaper…
Apple partners with Warren Buffett on new newspaper toss iOS game []
In an interview from Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting over the weekend, Apple CEO…
Tim Cook Reveals Apple Buys a Company Every Few Weeks []

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5/7 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/7 '19 answered

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