ment 5/5 '19 posted

• 지난 4 월 페이스북은 4 월 말에 사용자의 개인 정보를 잘못 처리했다는 주장을 해결하기 위해 30 억 ~ 50 억 달러를 배정했다고 발표합니다. 연방 규제 당국이 소셜 미디어 거물에게 책임을 물어야한다는 강한 공감대를 암시합니다. 

WASHINGTON — Facebook’s announcement in late April that it had set aside $3 billion to $5 billion…
Facebook Faces a Big Penalty, but Regulators Are Split Over How Big []
A new report from The New York Times says that the Federal Trade Commission is having trouble…
The FTC is reportedly divided about how to hold Facebook accountable for privacy lapses []
(Kate Woodsome, Joshua Carroll, Danielle Kunitz/The Washington Post) Opinion | It's easy to…
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis []

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5/5 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/5 '19 answered

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