Attackers Wiping GitHub and GitLab Repos, Leave Ransom Notes []
Mystery Git ransomware appears to blank commits, demands Bitcoin to rescue code []
Someone Is Hacking GitHub Repositories and Holding Code Ransom []
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom []
GitLab account hacked and repo wiped []
Git repositories are being compromised by a hacker demanding a ransom in bitcoin []
Some suggested the hacker is using an exploit in SourceTree, a Git GUI app for Mac and Windows made by Atlassian.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Now, someone says Atlassian is notifying users of failed login attempts from suspicious IP addresses.
To be fair, this is the only report I've seen.
Ransom reported across Git hosting services --GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Ok... up the victim count to hundreds, not just 27.
This seems like a very well orchestrated attack.
Ive also received an email from GitLab confirming @bad_packets' tweet that the hacker scanned the internet for Git configs and then used logins it found inside to access accounts on Git-hosing sites like GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Please enable 2FA for your Git platforms and enforce it for all users of a group.
— Daniel Ruf (@DanielRufde) May 3, 2019
He's asking for bitcoins or he'll make the code PUBLIC.
— Rob Thomas (@xrobau) May 3, 2019
Per StackExchange, attacker doesn't appear to delete commits, but only alters commit headers.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
There's a way to recover some repos. See link:
Hacker wipes Git repositories and asks for Bitcoin. Gives victim 10 days and threatens to release the code. 27 cases (and counting) reported already.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Per BitcoinAbuseDatabase, at least 27 cases have been reported already. Probably more.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Here's the ransom note. No funds received (except a test) in the linked BTC address.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Attack appears to have stopped. No new abuse reports or GitHub repos are popping up
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
Attackers Wiping GitHub and GitLab Repos, Leave Ransom Notes
— The Cyber Security Hub (@TheCyberSecHub) May 3, 2019
Mystery Git ransomware appears to blank commits, demands Bitcoin to rescue code
— Nicolas Krassas (@Dinosn) May 3, 2019
New: someone is hacking into GitHub and BitBucket repositories and holding them for ransom.
— Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (@lorenzofb) May 3, 2019
For now, there's hundreds fo victims, but the hackers haven't made any money.
Something something leaked credential stuffing something something silly buggers “wot no 2fa m8?”. Also why does github not do behavioural login analysis?
— Daniel Cuthbert (@dcuthbert) May 3, 2019
Attack appears to have stopped. No new abuse reports or GitHub repos are popping up
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom
— Graham Cluley (@gcluley) May 3, 2019
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom
— ᴉpᴉǝH (@winter_heidi) May 4, 2019
Hacker threatens to release the code if victims don't pay in 10 days
Some hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom (ZDNet),
— ?? ??Ol' Dirty PCAP (@0x2AE) May 3, 2019
Hacker Wiping Github Repositories, Demanding Bitcoin Ransome
— Merkle Report (@merklereport) May 3, 2019
Per StackExchange, attacker doesn't appear to delete commits, but only alters commit headers.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) May 3, 2019
There's a way to recover some repos. See link:
One victim has claimed that the data is actually still in the repos but has an issue accessing it.
— BleepingComputer (@BleepinComputer) May 3, 2019
Git repositories are being compromised by a hacker demanding a ransom in bitcoin #bitcoin #GitHub #GitLab
— Neowin (@NeowinFeed) May 4, 2019
RT @sectest9: RT @rtehrani: Mystery Git ransomware appears to blank commits, demands Bitcoin to rescue code #cybercrime #cyberattacks #hacker #hack #breach #phishing #dos #ransomware #malware #virus #apt #pii #ni…
— ACCOUNT CLOSED, CHECK PINNED (@RedTeamRUHacked) May 4, 2019
RT @agedchild003: RT @rtehrani: Mystery Git ransomware appears to blank commits, demands Bitcoin to rescue code #cybercrime #cyberattacks #hacker #hack #breach #phishing #dos #ransomware #malware #virus #apt #pii…
— ACCOUNT CLOSED, CHECK PINNED (@RedTeamRUHacked) May 4, 2019
Someone Is Hacking GitHub Repositories and Holding Code Ransom - Motherboard
— Philippe Vynckier (@PVynckier) May 4, 2019
Someone Is Hacking GitHub Repositories and Holding Code Ransom
— Paolo Passeri (@paulsparrows) May 4, 2019
Some Git source code repositories, including at least 392 from GitHub, have been wiped and replaced with a ransom demand in a possible coordinated attack (Catalin Cimpanu/ZDNet)
— Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) May 4, 2019
So this is happening now. Everybody should secure their git credentials and enable 2fa.
— Hiranya Jayathilaka ?? (@hiranya911) May 4, 2019
Attackers Wiping GitHub and GitLab Repos, Leave Ransom Notes
— Nicolas Krassas (@Dinosn) May 4, 2019
Attackers wiping Github and Gitlab repos leave ransom notes
— Elena @ ?☕?? (@Beelzenef_) May 4, 2019
¡Revisad vuestros repos!
RT @rtehrani: Mystery Git ransomware appears to blank commits, demands Bitcoin to rescue code #cybercrime #cyberattacks #hacker #hack #breach #phishing #dos #ransomware #malware #virus #apt #pii #nist #fcc #finra…
— ACCOUNT CLOSED, CHECK PINNED (@RedTeamRUHacked) May 4, 2019
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom #cybercrime #cyberattacks #hacker #hack #breach #phishing #dos #ransomware #malware #virus #apt #pii #nist #fcc #finra #hipaa #pci
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) May 4, 2019
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom | ZDNet
— おおはら (@ohhara_shiojiri) May 4, 2019
A hacker is wiping git repos and asking for ransoms to not release the code.
— eos design system (@eosdesignsystem) May 4, 2019
Open Source couldn't care less ?.#opensource #git
Woah guys!
— Princess Shuri ??? (@Empathic_Dev) May 4, 2019
"all evidence suggests that the hacker has scanned the entire internet for Git config files, extracted credentials, and then used these logins to access and ransom accounts at Git hosting services"
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom | ZDNet
— Kathy Reid in Canberra at #3AIFirstCohort (@KathyReid) May 4, 2019
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom | ZDNet @BentleyAudrey @JohnMaynardCPA @gvalan @mclynd @DrJDrooghaag @m49D4ch3lly @AlaricAloor @mirko_ross @DoD_CSIAC @clarinette02 @AlaricAloor @MHcommunicate
— Philippe Vynckier (@PVynckier) May 4, 2019
A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom
— Johan Moreau (@johan_moreau) May 4, 2019