ment 5/3 '19 posted

• Blue Origin의 우주 비행사 전략 및 판매 담당 아리안 코넬 (Ariane Cornell)은 목요일 발사와 착륙 - 뉴 셰퍼드 11 (New-Shepard 11) 또는 NS-11로 명명 된 임무 -는 인간 승객이 비행하는 데 "한 걸음 더 가까이 다가"선 일이라 말합니다.
• 뉴 셰퍼드는 블루 오리진이 궤도 아래(소궤도, 미진입지구궤도, suborbital) 우주 관광 시장에서 리처드 브랜슨 (Richard Branson)의 Virgin Galactic과 직접 경쟁하는 것을 도울 것입니다.

This image from Blue Origin’s webcast of Thursday’s mission shows the New Shepard’s capsule just…
Blue Origin ‘one step closer’ to human flights after successful suborbital launch []
The rocket, which did not have a crew on board, took off from a test site in rural Texas early…
Jeff Bezos' rocket company tests its tourism spaceship []
Update for 10:30 a.m. EDT: Blue Origin successfully launched its New Shepard booster and…
Blue Origin to Launch Test Flight of Its New Shepard Spacecraft Thursday! How to Watch []
Blue Origin's New Shepard spacecraft just took another step toward flying passengers to the…
Blue Origin's New Shepard Spacecraft Launches Biggest Mission Yet, Sticks Landing []

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5/3 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
5/3 '19 answered

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