Facebook's Oculus Quest heralds VR's next gen, but will we buy in? [www.cnet.com]
Oculus Rift S Already Works With SteamVR [www.roadtovr.com]
The Oculus Quest Shows That VR Still Has a Bright Future [www.pcmag.com]
Oculus Quest - The Review: Everything You Need to Know [www.vrfocus.com]
Oculus Quest review: cordless virtual reality is (almost) here [www.wired.co.uk]
The $399 virtual reality headset, shipping May 21, is being positioned as the industry's first true mass-market product. https://t.co/xWBDp2xew1 via @cnet#Facebook #OculusQuest #VR #RiftS #virtualreality
— Smashing Boxes (@smashingboxes) May 2, 2019
#Facebook's #OculusQuest heralds #VR's next gen, but will we buy in? #tech #gaming #review #opinion https://t.co/ngbtHauaHI
— The IoT Warehouse (@TheIotWarehouse) May 1, 2019
Wow this new @oculus Quest that @facebook has announced looks promising. For $100 cheaper than the competition and boasting 50 games this could be the year for #VR #OculusQuest #F82019 https://t.co/YXZitCCAW1 via @CNET
— Eli Trimbur (@Eli_Trimbur) May 1, 2019
Road to VR Oculus Rift S Already Works With SteamVR: If there was any question whether or not the Rift S will work with Steam and SteamVR content, the answer is definitely yes. Even though the headset… https://t.co/1n5MgrbmcG #News #OculusRiftS #VRHeadset #oculusrifts Via @RtoVR pic.twitter.com/Phm5ZIvARu
— Bradley Jon Eaglefeather (@bjeaglefeather) May 2, 2019
Oculus Quest review: cordless virtual reality is (almost) here https://t.co/TVvslM3kJP #technology #TechNews #DataScience #DataScientist #DataAnalytic #ML #DeepLearning #DL #AI #Artificilaintelligence #AI #augmentedintelligence #interview #wired #VR #VirtualReality pic.twitter.com/TdnCqFyS9X
— Anson McCade AUS (@AnsonMccadeAus) May 3, 2019