ment 4/29 '19 posted (4/29 '19 edited)

• Uber는 지난 회계 연도에 제출한 재무 보고서에서 지난 분기에 10 억 달러의 순손실을 기록했다고 전했습니다.

Paramount Pictures Uber drivers are set to receive up to…
Uber is paying drivers up to $40,000 each to celebrate its IPO []

We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please…
Are you a robot? []
Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer (Getty)Step right up, join the fun, the headline IPO of 2019 is about to…
Just In Time For Its Big IPO, Uber Loses $1 Billion []
April 25, 2019, 7:56 PM UTCBy Paris MarxUber’s impact on cities has been immense over its 10-year…
Uber is convenient for city commuters - but bad for cities []
Uber’s announcement of its IPO pricing earlier today came with a $500 million belated Easter…
PayPal makes a big marketplace play with its $500M investment in Uber []

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4/29 '19 answered

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