Are Uber Drivers Happy? Study Reveals Stress, Debt []
Some Uber drivers still don't know what they actually earn driving for Uber []
Uber drivers in Washington, DC, struggling to make ends meet: study []
Study: Uber drivers are operating in the dark when it comes to pay []
33% of drivers fell into a "debt trap." 30% reported feeling unsafe. no drivers said they felt they could rely on Uber in an emergency. from last week, these and more findings from @KatieJWells' interviews with DC uber drivers:
— Sarah Holder (@ptsarahdactyl) April 25, 2019
Conversations With D.C. #Uber Drivers Reveal Stress and Debt #ubersucks #deleteuber
— La Acera (@carbonederigau) April 21, 2019
coverage of our report in CityLab: "It’s the driver trying to outsmart Uber and Uber trying to outsmart the driver," said one of the drivers in our study.
— Katie Wells (@KatieJWells) April 20, 2019
Are Uber Drivers Happy? Study Reveals Stress, Debt - CityLab
— TorontoUberDriver (@UberDriverGTA) April 19, 2019
Actually had a conversation a Lyft driver last night about how it’s his first week and quickly realizing he won’t event start to break even unless he drives 10 hour six days a week.
— James A. Castañeda (@terraplanner) April 19, 2019
"Taxes were the biggest surprise for most Uber drivers." Uber/Lyft don't pay or collect payroll taxes *and* don't provide drivers critical mileage info needed for tax filing because well then they'd be employers. And that isn't true. Nope.
— Richard C. Auxier (@richardcauxier) April 19, 2019
The @washingtonpost 's support for addressing traffic congestion w/more roads cites more miles driven by ride-hailing services. In #DMV it's not certain ride hailing is economically viable. Some drivers earn as little $5/hr after expenses.
— ActionCmteForTransit (@actfortransit) April 22, 2019
Build transit!!
Some DC-area Uber drivers made as little as $5 per hour after expenses, according to a new study.
— Zack Colman (@zcolman) April 18, 2019
first, our report and exec summary:
— Katie Wells (@KatieJWells) April 20, 2019
Read about the work of @USForg fellow @KatieJWells and @GeorgetownKILWP reporting on the Uber workplace in D.C. via @washingtonpost | Read more: | ? Download the full report:
— Urban Studies Foundation (@USForg) April 23, 2019
One number pops out from this new study of Uber drivers in DC: 1/3 drivers took on debt as a result of their work on the ride-hailing platform
— Avi Asher-Schapiro (@AASchapiro) April 20, 2019
— since (@beingsince) April 22, 2019
작년 6월에 조지타운에서 나온 리포트. 워싱턴의 우버 드라이버 40명 대상의 인터뷰로 만들어진 자료.
.@uber exists because drivers don't know how little they are earning.
— R Givan (@rkgwork) April 20, 2019
"100% of drivers experienced difficulties with, or barriers to, calculating their actual compensation."
Incredibly important report by @KatieJWells on Washington DC Uber drivers....who, it turns out, have a very hard time even knowing what they make.
— Veena Dubal (@veenadubal) April 20, 2019
Some Uber drivers still don't know what they actually earn driving for Uber
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) April 28, 2019