Twitter Banning White Nationalism May Flag Republican Politicians []
Why Jack hasn't banned Nazis on Twitter []
Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too. []
Twitter algorithm to fight white supremacy could flag GOP politicians: report []
Twitter doesn't filter white nationalist content because it could affect Republicans -Â Axios []
Now this is political correctness!
— Tim Fernholz (@TimFernholz) April 25, 2019
But the Twitter's employee's comments—that the public will generally not accept banning Republican politicians as a trade-off to eradicating white supremacy—touches on something broader: do societal norms play a greater role than some may acknowledge?
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) April 25, 2019
this is a big story with excellent internal sources
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) April 25, 2019
once a company gets to this level of leaking it is in trouble, because it means the executives have lost the confidence of the rank and file
They could just flag accounts from “white”-listed politicians so they don’t get autobanned. Or they could ban them as white supremacist rhetoric.
— Tom Coates (@tomcoates) April 25, 2019
the asymmetric nature of politics right now has scrambled brains of folks who adhere to a very rigid idea of both sides fairness and that confusion is the biggest thing that true grifters & bigots take advantage of to peddle half truths and propaganda
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) April 25, 2019
NEW: We have reporting inside Twitter that explains why Jack hasn't "banned the Nazis:" Treating white supremacy like ISIS would mean autobanning some Republican politicians
— Jason Koebler (@jason_koebler) April 25, 2019
New: at a recent Twitter all-hands meeting, an employee asked: Twitter has eradicated ISIS. Why can’t it do the same for white supremacists?
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) April 25, 2019
One answer that is discussed internally, we found: because it would mean banning some Republican politicians too
In a statement to Business Insider, @Twitter says a new report that it won't use an algorithm to crack down on white supremacists because of concerns that some GOP politicians could also get banned "has absolutely no basis in fact"
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) April 25, 2019
The issue is that Twitter treats ISIS and white supremacist moderation in fundamentally different ways. Twitter bans ISIS like spam, automatically, at scale, aggressively, proactively. It doesn't with white supremacy; that would flag 'innocent' accounts
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) April 25, 2019
Twitter reportedly worried banning white nationalists would also flag some Republicans:
— The Daily Dot (@dailydot) April 25, 2019
Why Jack hasn't banned Nazis on Twitter
— Xeni (@xeni) April 25, 2019
New: at a recent Twitter all-hands meeting, an employee asked: Twitter has eradicated ISIS. Why can’t it do the same for white supremacists?
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) April 25, 2019
One answer that is discussed internally, we found: because it would mean banning some Republican politicians too
Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too@Twitter employee working on machine learning believes a proactive, algorithmic solution to white supremacy would also catch GOP politicians
— Psychonaut (@WakingLifeDream) April 25, 2019
NEW: We have reporting inside Twitter that explains why Jack hasn't "banned the Nazis:" Treating white supremacy like ISIS would mean autobanning some Republican politicians
— Jason Koebler (@jason_koebler) April 25, 2019
jfc. Twitter won't treat white supremacist propaganda like ISIS propaganda because white supremacist rhetoric is so pervasive in right-wing circles that using an algorithm to detect it would also mean banning some GOP politicians from the platform.
— Caroline Orr (@RVAwonk) April 25, 2019
I’ll say this: if what is reported here is not the reason why @Twitter has failed to sweep white supremacist content off of its platform the same way that it managed to rid itself of ISIS, then it owes us that explanation.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) April 25, 2019
“Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS?
— Kassandra Seven (@KassandraSeven) April 25, 2019
Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too.”
(Any comment @Jack?)
Very big scoop from @josephfcox + @jason_koebler: Twitter isn't going after white supremacist content online as it did ISIS, because Republican politicians would be caught up in bans by algorithms detecting hate speech
— Ben Makuch (@BMakuch) April 25, 2019
Source at Twitter says @Jack hasn't banned Nazis because auto-banning white supremacist extremists would mean auto-banning certain Republican politicians.
— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) April 25, 2019
We now know where Jack’s heart is and where Twitter stands.
They are on the wrong side of history.
Godddd this @motherboard piece on why Twitter won't eliminate white supremacy from the site the way it has done with with other objectionable material is so revealing. (Yes, the answer is Repbulicans.)
— austin walker (@austin_walker) April 25, 2019
Exactly, and that would be a win for humanity.
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) April 25, 2019
Complicit Trash: "The term 'GOP-Nazi Party' is unacceptable hyperbole!!!"
— Eli Valley (@elivalley) April 25, 2019
The algorithm: "Hmm actually..."
Well well fucking well
— Bender (@BitcoinBender) April 25, 2019
Twitter Won't Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS Because It'd Have to Ban Some GOP Politicians Too via @motherboard
— Suroosh Alvi (@SurooshAlvi) April 25, 2019
Steve King is the first who comes to mind (and is mentioned in the article.)
— Blue Wave Crowdsource (@BlueWaveCS) April 25, 2019
Twitter Won't Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS Because It'd Have to Ban Some GOP Politicians Too
The issue is that Twitter treats ISIS and white supremacist moderation in fundamentally different ways. Twitter bans ISIS like spam, automatically, at scale, aggressively, proactively. It doesn't with white supremacy; that would flag 'innocent' accounts
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) April 25, 2019
We can frame this the opposite way, too: Filters designed to target ISIS overban, but mostly affect people without the political leverage to make this awkward for the company.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) April 25, 2019
Twitter Won't Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS Because It'd Have to Ban Some GOP Politicians Too
— Bruce Bartlett (@BruceBartlett) April 25, 2019
Ah, Twitter can’t ban white supremacy because it’s a white supremacist company with white supremacist policies that is run by a white supremacist, got it ??
— Julie ? (@nrrrdcore) April 25, 2019
"We can't get rids of Nazis because it would mean getting rid of some Republicans" is a hell of an argument.
— Robert McNees (@mcnees) April 25, 2019
Twitter won't treat white supremacy like ISIS because it would mean banning some Republican politicians, too.
— VICE (@VICE) April 25, 2019
If You Sound Like a Nazi...
— HeyDrWilson™, Wakandan Biotec, Inc. (@HeyDrWilson) April 25, 2019
Apparently, Twitter cannot ban Nazi/white nationalists because Repub politicians would likely be swept up by the algorithms.
Sounds to me like Repubs need to stop tweeting racist/white supremacist content.
"Twitter hasn’t taken the same aggressive approach to white supremacist content [as with ISIS content] because the collateral accounts that are impacted can, in some instances, be Republican politicians."
— Matthew Reichbach (@fbihop) April 25, 2019
There it is: Twitter employee admits that algorithms can't distinguish between Republicans and white supremacists.
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) April 25, 2019
Twitter Won't Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS Because It'd Have to Ban Some GOP Politicians Too
— Hassan Shibly (@HassanShibly) April 25, 2019
The headline on this article--that Twitter won't ban white supremacy because that would mean banning some Republican politicians--is important if unsurprising. But this part is actually more interesting.
— Jacob Remes (@jacremes) April 25, 2019
Twitter doesn't go after white nationalist content as aggressively as it did with ISIS because it would likely mean some Republicans' accounts would be flagged as well, Motherboard reports
— Axios (@axios) April 25, 2019
Banning people for simply having far right views is a mistake. If they're inciting violence? Ban them. Anti-vaxxers? They're hurting kids. Ban them. Foreign gov't led / funded ops? Ban them.
— Jay McKenzie (@JamesFourM) April 26, 2019
But social media companies shouldn't be the thought police.
"Twitter hasn’t taken the same aggressive approach to white supremacist content because the collateral accounts that are impacted can, in some instances, be Republican politicians."
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) April 25, 2019
Why Twitter won't ban the Nazis or other Right-wing terrorist groups: "Treating white supremacy like ISIS would mean autobanning some U.S. Republican politicians." …
— Central (@YourAnonCentral) April 25, 2019
White-supremacist rhetoric strongly overlaps GOP rhetoric.
— Aaron Sojourner (@aaronsojourner) April 26, 2019
— 琉牛牛 (@ryuryukyu) April 26, 2019
Twitter Won't Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS Because It'd Have to Ban Some Republican Politicians Too via @motherboard
— Stephen Lautens (@stephenlautens) April 26, 2019
Like, say...#DerangedDonald
— Amy Siskind ?️? (@Amy_Siskind) April 26, 2019
Twitter Won't Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS Because It'd Have to Ban Some GOP Politicians Too
Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too. - Motherboard
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) April 26, 2019
“Why Won’t Twitter Treat White Supremacy Like ISIS? Because It Would Mean Banning Some Republican Politicians Too.” - Motherboard
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) April 25, 2019
That's too bad. They should stop and think why their accounts or those that follow them would get flagged.
— chris evans (@notcapnamerica) April 25, 2019