ment 4/26 '19 posted

• 스냅은 수석 임원진을 재구성하고 성장을 도모하는 일환으로 McDonald 's, Gatorade, NBC Sports Group 및 NASCAR에서 일한 소비자 마케팅 베테랑 Kenny Mitchell을 첫 번째 CMO로 고용했습니다.
• 미첼은 2019 년 6 월에 입사하여 CEO 겸 공동 설립자 인 Evan Spiegel에 보고합니다.
• 미첼 (Mitchell)은 사용자 기반을 확대하기 위해 지난 1 년간 고군분투해 온 Snap의 모든 소비자 및 제품 마케팅 프로그램을 이끌게 될 것입니다.
• 게토레이 (Gatorade)의 소비자 참여의 책임자인 미첼 (Mitchell)은 Snapchat을 광고 플랫폼으로 일찌감치 채택하여 2016 년 첫 번째 Super Bowl 광고를 앱으로 지원했습니다. Gatorade는 Lens를 사용한 첫 번째 Super Bowl 스폰서였습니다. 비디오 셀카로 스포츠 음료와 함께 찍을 수 있었습니다. 
• 경영진은 6 월 Snap의 수석 리더십 팀에 합류하여 창립자 인 Evan Spiegel에게보고합니다.
• Mitchell은 McDonald 's USA에서 브랜드 콘텐츠 및 계약 담당 VP로 재직했습니다.
• "경력 전반에 걸쳐 Kenny는 혁신적인 글로벌 마케팅 캠페인을 성공적으로 수행 할 수있는 역량을 보여 주었으며 그 중 다수가 당사의 업계용 비디오 및 증강 현실 제품을 활용했습니다.

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Announcing its new Bitmoji for Games SDK today, Snapchat has revealed that users will soon be…
You'll Soon be Able to Play as Your Snapchat Bitmoji in Video Games []
Snap, as part of rebuilding its senior exec team and angling to boost growth, has hired its…
Snap Hires McDonald’s Marketing Exec Kenny Mitchell as First CMO []
Snapchat hired its first chief marketing officer, a veteran of branding at Gatorade and McDonald’s,…
Snapchat hires CMO to freshen up app marketing like he did McDonald's burgers []
Snap Inc. is bringing on its first chief marketing officer to help lead the company’s boosted…
Snap Inc. Hires Kenny Mitchell as Its First Chief Marketing Officer []
Mitchell joins Snapchat parent company as it introduces new shows…
Snap Hires Kenny Mitchell as First Chief Marketing Officer []
Snap Inc. CMO Kenny Mitchell.Kenny Mitchell, the former VP of brand content and engagement for…
Snap names former McDonald's marketing leader Kenny Mitchell as its first CMO []
Snapchat has hired its first chief marketing officer in McDonald's marketer Kenny Mitchell. The…
Snap hires McDonald's marketer Kenny Mitchell as first CMO []
SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP) today announced that Kenny…
Snap Inc. Names Kenny Mitchell Chief Marketing Officer []
Apple may have fancy 3D Memoji characters on iOS, but Snapchat has super customizable…
Snap launches Bitmoji for Games SDK for any platform []
Want your video game character to look just like you? Soon you’ll be able to scan an in-game…
Snapchat will let you play as your Bitmoji in video games []
"Our vision is for gamers to open up their favorite game,…
Snapchat will let you play as your Bitmoji in games []
Snapchat is launching a Bitmoji for Games SDK that it says will allow developers to use its…
Snapchat is launching an SDK to let devs use Bitmoji avatars in their own games []
Snap will soon let game developers import your Bitmoji to use as 3D characters. TechCrunch…
Snapchat unveils plans to get your Bitmoji into games []

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4/26 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/26 '19 answered

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