The Washington Post Publishes an Anti-Apple, Pro-Qualcomm Report Prior to Judge Koh's Ruling on the FTC Anti-Trust Case []
Apple hatched years-long plan to reduce royalty payments to Qualcomm, documents reveal []
Apple dismissed Qualcomm's tech in public, while praising it in private []
Philip Elmer‑DeWitt []
Court documents show Apple purposefully bought pools of cheap patents to help make Qualcomm’s royalty demands appear overpriced []
Apple Planed to Sue Qualcomm As Far Back as 2014 []
The new documents that came out during opening statements in the Apple Qualcomm trial were overshadowed by the settlement, but here’s an article about what they showed.
— Reed Albergotti (@ReedAlbergotti) April 19, 2019
Apple said Qualcomm’s tech was no good. But in private communications, it was ‘the best.’ - The Washington Post
— Vikrant Salar (@vikarar) April 19, 2019
Apple for years publicly disparaged Qualcomm. But in private communications, the chip maker's tech was "the best." Sealed documents obtained as part of the trial show Apple's behind-the-scenes maneuvers. By @reedalbergotti:
— Christina Passariello (@cpassariello) April 19, 2019
법원문서: 애플, 퀄컴 특허 라이센스가 비싸게 보이도록 헐값으로 화웨이와 에릭슨 특허 무더기로 산 것 들통나. 퀄컴 변호사가 애플 내부 이메일에서 발견했고, 특히 애플의 이같은 꼼수는 FTC 같은 반독점규제기관에 신뢰를 잃을 수 있었으나 다행히 두 회사가 합의함.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) April 20, 2019