ment 4/19 '19 posted

• 전자 메일 암호를 입력하면 먼저 허가를 묻지 않고 연락처를 '가져 오기'하고 있다는 메시지가 표시되었다고 보고서는 말합니다.
• 페이스북은 최근 사생활 침해와 관련한 여러 가지 쟁점에 직면 해있습니다. 내부 시스템에서 직원들에게 읽을 수있는 형식으로 저장된 수백만 명의 사용자들의 패스워드를 노출시키는 결함을 포함합니다.
• Facebook 계정 개설시 사용자 모르게 동의없이 150 만명의 사용자의 이메일 주소를 수집했습니다.
• 이 실리콘 밸리의 회사에 따르면, 연락처 데이터는 "의도하지 않게 Facebook에 업로드 된 '때문에 현재 삭제 중입니다.
• 보안 연구원은 최근 페이스북이 일부 신규 사용자에게 가입시 이메일 비밀번호를 제공할 것을 요구하고 있음을 발견했습니다. 이는 보안 전문가들이 널리 비난한 움직임입니다.

(Reuters) — Facebook said on Wednesday it may have “unintentionally uploaded” email contacts…
Facebook says it 'unintentionally uploaded' email contacts of up to 1.5 million new users []
(Reuters) – Facebook Inc said on Wednesday it may have “unintentionally uploaded” email contacts of…
Facebook says it uploaded email contacts of up to 1.5 million users []
Facebook has admitted to accessing and storing the email contacts of as many as 1.5 million of…
Facebook admits harvesting 1.5 million people’s email contacts without consent []
Facebook harvested the email contacts of 1.5 million users without their knowledge or consent when…
Facebook uploaded 1.5 million users' email contacts without permission []
Facebook accidentally scraped the email contacts of 1.5 million users Facebook's…
Facebook accidentally scraped the email contacts of 1.5 million users []
(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)These days Facebook is in the news for all the bad reasons.…
Facebook breaches users' privacy again, says it "unintentionally uploaded millions of contacts on its servers without consent" []
What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a…
Attention Required! | Cloudflare []
Exclusive: Facebook said that it has "unintentionally uploaded" the email contacts of 1.5 million…
Facebook says it 'unintentionally uploaded' 1.5 million people's email contacts without their consent []
For such an allegedly smart company, Facebook doesn’t half do some dumb things. Kudos to the…
Facebook hoovered up 1.5 million users' email contacts without permission... "unintentionally" []
Not a week goes without a new Facebook blunder. Remember the most recent revelation of Facebook…
Facebook Collected Contacts from 1.5 Million Email Accounts Without Users' Permission []
Another month, another Facebook Inc. privacy scandal. Following an exposé from Business…
Facebook says it 'unintentionally' harvested 1.5M users’ email contacts []

Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/19 '19 answered (4/19 '19 edited)

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/19 '19 answered

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