TED 2019: Jack Dorsey Is Captain of the Twittanic [www.wired.com]
Jack Dorsey says it’s time to rethink the fundamental dynamics of Twitter [techcrunch.com]
Twitter's Jack Dorsey Roasted During His Own TED Talk AMA [www.themarysue.com]
Twitter users trolled Jack Dorsey on a giant projection screen during his TED Talk [mashable.com]
Twitter users epically troll Jack Dorsey with #AskJackAtTED during talk [www.foxnews.com]
It's hard for me to express how frustrating it was to watch @jack's talk at TED today. I was frustrated, the audience was frustrated, he was frustrated, the people he was talking to were frustrated. It was a whole frustrating thing! https://t.co/sU88RCqGLV
— Emily Dreyfuss (@EmilyDreyfuss) April 16, 2019
"TWITTANIC" wow https://t.co/HE21RKMQGm
— Damon Beres ? (@dlberes) April 16, 2019
As important as it is to have founders leading companies through these challenges, this interview reminds me how much twitter might be missing without a dedicated 120% ceo https://t.co/xDq4bEXYpn
— Josh Elman (@joshelman) April 17, 2019
As I read more stories about billionaire founders of tech companies clearly struggling to manage companies whose value to society is questionable I'm more impressed by Bill Gates deciding to quit & help the world with his billions when he faced same thinghttps://t.co/o8W5xUAfhI
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) April 17, 2019
Jack Dorsey Is Captain of the Twittanic at TED 2019https://t.co/oKaT0bKrFe pic.twitter.com/k6FLI8Y30N
— Hamza Shaban (@hshaban) April 16, 2019
I created a more appropriate lede image for @WIRED https://t.co/QaNoK8Izko pic.twitter.com/PMcTXMzR8D
— Ryan Sarver (@rsarver) April 17, 2019
“Is this how you want history to remember you? As the handmaidens to authoritarianism all across the world? You set out to connect people and the same technology is now driving us apart.”
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) April 16, 2019
TED 2019: Jack Dorsey Is Captain of the Twittanic https://t.co/cPGXftyV3Z
“We’re on this great voyage with you on the Twittanic. There are people in steerage who are saying, ‘We are worried about the iceberg ahead!’ And you say, ‘That is a good point’ and ‘Our boat hasn’t been built to handle it.’" A question for @jack at TED https://t.co/T2hudn7ynh
— issie lapowsky (@issielapowsky) April 16, 2019
今のままでいい TED 2019: Jack Dorsey Is Captain of the Twittanic - Wired https://t.co/v66CNfN12B via @nuzzel
— こーじん (@kojinoshiba) April 17, 2019
.@tedchris #SafetybyDesign -a total re-engineering of the world’s major online platforms w/safety & human rights at its core is the only way forward! Incremental change is insufficient! “@jack says it’s time to rethink the fundamental dynamics of @Twitter” https://t.co/K0JKFZ0Gwb
— Julie Inman Grant (@tweetinjules) April 17, 2019
Patriots, this is a laugh. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is looking for new "dynamics" on Twitter. He mentioned "hate", talking about the KKK and Nazis - no Farrakhan Jack?
— Kevin Bruno⭐⭐⭐ (@kbrunorunner) April 17, 2019
Jack Dorsey says it's time to rethink the fundamental dynamics of Twitter https://t.co/6OqDcmOcG8 via @techcrunch
Whenever you see billionaire CEO Jack Dorsey run his mouth about "conversational health" and "deep changes", remember Twitter blocks Nazis in Germany by law.
— Tech Workers Coalition (@techworkersco) April 16, 2019
He knows who the white supremacists are, and he's sympathetic to either them or their money.https://t.co/n72xUf4iSt
It's what everyone was saying at #SMMW19: even @jack feels social media needs to become less about follower counts and more about connecting over common interests.https://t.co/8UVNdvJ3p4 via @techcrunch
— christine gritmon✨ (@cgritmon) April 17, 2019
ツイッターCEOジャックドーシーが、TED conferenceでサービスとしてのツイッターについて語る。広告表示、不正コンテンツのAIによる撤廃、ユーザー関心ベースの機能改善など、今後ツイッターで何かしらの変化や再考(rethink)が行われる可能性があるかもしれない。https://t.co/IE9VOnvHgg
— Satoshi Onodera / US??Tech Marketer?? (@satoshi_gfa18) April 17, 2019
Twitter didn't hold back at roasting Jack Dorsey.https://t.co/NH41DmFZRt
— The Mary Sue (@TheMarySue) April 17, 2019
Not sure how asking Jack Dorsey the question "why won't you ban the Nazis?" is considered trolling.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) April 16, 2019
It's asking a question Dorsey—who's done so little to stop the influx of Nazis that it has become suspicious to any non-Nazi—refuses to truthfully answerhttps://t.co/wUt8RByKIK
When Jack Dorsey was repeatedly asked why the Twitter platform won't remove Nazi content and why he kept making excuses for it, the tweet aspect of the Ted Talk was removed. Interesting. https://t.co/OLmoc3noRk
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) April 17, 2019
I’m so proud of you kids.https://t.co/4kiYRQbLLC
— Kaz Weida (@kazweida) April 16, 2019
Not sure you can call it trolling when they specifically ask for your input, assign it a hashtag, and set up a giant screen. As the congressman said, “If you want better results, do better things.” https://t.co/YeAAWFYtGY via @mashable
— Mike Monteiro (@monteiro) April 16, 2019
Twitter users trolled Jack Dorsey on a giant projection screen during his TED Talk https://t.co/pxHcmd8RXZ via @Mashable
— CKJ (@CKJCryptonews) April 17, 2019
Twitter users trolled Jack Dorsey on a giant projection screen during his TED Talk #TED2019 https://t.co/BsWd17ugwJ
— Evan Kirstel at #Ideas2Inspire #Singapore (@evankirstel) April 17, 2019
Damn, @TEDchris bringing ithttps://t.co/r8faBOjQ5y pic.twitter.com/e7BFCyrxqs
— Ben Lillie (@BenLillie) April 17, 2019
Interesting read in @wired on @jack’s #TED2019 talk. I hope he will help navigate the social media industry to calmer waters. Very important they do something about anti-vaccine groups on their platforms. They constitute a real #publichealth threat. https://t.co/U1TAF4S21Z
— Seth Berkley (@GaviSeth) April 17, 2019
I've been a Twitter fan & critic forever. But @jack @TEDTalks yesterday was just...confounding. Why do tech cos keep thinking they can "fix this"? They can't. Step #1: Admit the problem is bigger than them. Step 2: Admit the business model is the problem. https://t.co/2NSlzoiABn
— John Battelle (@johnbattelle) April 17, 2019
Hyperbolic headlines and stories like this show there are a lot of people who are very out of touch.
— Mike Maples (@m2jr) April 17, 2019
TED 2019: Jack Dorsey Is Captain of the Twittanic https://t.co/6N7JdTq6mf
"'How hard is it to get rid of Nazis from Twitter?'
— Tom Simonite (@tsimonite) April 16, 2019
Dorsey sighed.
Deeply."https://t.co/9BCaqFquu6 via @EmilyDreyfuss
That's what Jack is going for, he wants the world to see him as a Hipster Hamlet sweating blood in his Gethsemane by the Bay as he ponders a way to censor the speech his brethren find objectionable while maintaining his Free Speech street-cred.https://t.co/eSfN6OS9S8
— PaulFrantizek ❌ (@FrantizekPaul) April 17, 2019
I'm sure you got a kick out of this @brosandprose. https://t.co/ciLJfCJhqf
— Lily Herman (@lkherman) April 17, 2019
Every time Jack speaks, my anxiety spikes. But this article is amazing. ? https://t.co/hnm4Xin7Yu
— Jason Levine (@jacelevine) April 17, 2019