Instagram founders fought with Zuck over Facebook integrations, says report []
A fresh glimpse inside Facebook HQ during its scandal-ridden year []
Huge new report on Facebook paints a picture of disarray and dissent []
Facebook's '15 months of Fresh Hell' detailed deliciously by WIRED []
Facebook staff told to monitor CNN camera crew during interview []
15 Months of Fresh Hell Inside Facebook []
This is cartoon villain territory.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) April 16, 2019
Some clarity here, we were definitely escorted everywhere but my producer doesn’t remember anyone going into the bathroom with him.
— Laurie Segall (@LaurieSegall) April 16, 2019
For the past year, the biggest story in tech has been the meltdown and mayhem at Facebook. So @fvogelstein and I dug in, spoke with 65 current + former employees there, and learned some rather interesting things.
— Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) April 16, 2019
My favorite part of this is the name of Sheryl Sandberg's private conference room:
— John Paczkowski (@JohnPaczkowski) April 16, 2019
"Only Good News"
A sentence about Facebook and news that I want you to read and ponder. "Supporting high-quality outlets would inevitably make it look like the platform was supporting liberals, which could lead to trouble in Washington, a town run mainly by conservatives."
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) April 16, 2019
Facebook defining news as "politics, crime, or tragedy" really sums up a lot about the last year
— Brian Barrett (@brbarrett) April 16, 2019
Facebook’s past 15 months have been pure hell marked by internal dissent, blistering criticism, efforts at reform, and foolish mistakes. We talked to 65 current and former employees about the harrowing stretch that fueled the company's biggest shifts ever
— WIRED (@WIRED) April 16, 2019
I'm actually sympathetic to trade secrets and definitely get the argument that the technical nature of the platforms is way over my head. But at what point does it veer into convenient excuse territory? (btw above quote is from
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) April 16, 2019
"It would front-run the press: dump a bunch of information out in public on the eve of the stories’ publication, hoping to upstage them. Investigative journalists are like pit bulls. Kick them once and they’ll never trust you again."
— Liz Fong-Jones (方禮真) (@lizthegrey) April 16, 2019
Google's PR shop did this to workers before.
A fresh look at the fresh hell inside of Facebook as it lurches from scandal to scandal.
— David Carroll ? (@profcarroll) April 16, 2019
This is an incredible deep dive into the last 15 months of hell at Facebook. Anyone who runs social knows what’s been happening to our feeds - this is what was happening inside Facebook during that time.
— Meghann Farnsworth (@mtfarnsworth) April 16, 2019
“At WIRED, the month after an image of a bruised Zuckerberg appeared on the cover … traffic from Facebook suddenly dropped by 90 percent, and for four weeks it stayed there.”
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) April 16, 2019
this certainly deserves a chunk of your time today. lots of good nuggets and an arc of the past year and a half of FB hell from @nxthompson
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) April 16, 2019
When I try to push platforms for transparency I'm met w/ these 2 excuses: cant divulge because will allow anyone to game system & It's too complex anyhow
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) April 16, 2019
Both valid in theory but feel like gaming system thing is weak since it's already being gamed quite a bit by the worst actors
This is pretty nuts. From the big Wired feature:
— Ryan Broderick (@broderick) April 16, 2019
Last year, Facebook’s engineers classified news as only being “politics, crime, or tragedy,” which apparently vanished every other kind of journalism on the platform?
Well, no one reached out to me for comment on this. According to report, we were followed to bathroom..
— Laurie Segall (@LaurieSegall) April 16, 2019
Facebook staff told to monitor CNN camera crew during interview - Business Insider
One thing: CNN was not just “offered” the interview with Zuckerberg. I fought hard to get it and had contacts given I covered tech for a decade.
— Laurie Segall (@LaurieSegall) April 16, 2019
15 Months of Fresh Hell Inside Facebook | WIRED 15 Months of Fresh Hell Inside Facebook | WIRED
Facebook employees told to follow CNN camera crew to bathroom and treat them as "potential spies"
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) April 16, 2019
Facebook’s past 15 months have been pure hell. Trapped by its own pathologies, the company careened into a period of backstabbing, scandals, record earnings, reboots, and resignations. Time bombs, planted by Facebook’s prior choices, exploded everywhere 1/
— WIRED (@WIRED) April 16, 2019
the people who order ink by the barrel are suddenly in the position of pissing off the platforms who, uh, order server farms by the acre
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) April 16, 2019
The battle between Mark Zuckerberg and Instagram’s founders begins to leak...
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) April 16, 2019
Instagram founders fought with Zuck over Facebook integrations, says report
— The Verge (@verge) April 16, 2019
Scathing report on Facebook paints a picture of disarray and dissent
— Steve Dotto (@dottotech) April 16, 2019
It’s never good leading a monopoly in the new data economy based on a business plan that destroys our core democratic principals: free will and self determination. #Facebook was always abt monetizing our data for targeted ads & predicting user behavior
— Ron T. Kim (@rontkim) April 16, 2019
Huge new report on Facebook paints a picture of disarray and dissent
— FutureShift (@futureshift) April 16, 2019
A sentence about Facebook and news that I want you to read and ponder. "Supporting high-quality outlets would inevitably make it look like the platform was supporting liberals, which could lead to trouble in Washington, a town run mainly by conservatives."
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) April 16, 2019
A fresh look at the fresh hell inside of Facebook as it lurches from scandal to scandal.
— David Carroll ? (@profcarroll) April 16, 2019
Another clear insight from the @wired Facebook piece is that the approach to news publishing came entirely from a PR mitigation standpoint . Only Chris Cox in the senior management team was earnest about raising the quality of news - and he left
— emily bell (@emilybell) April 16, 2019
For the past year, the biggest story in tech has been the meltdown and mayhem at Facebook. So @fvogelstein and I dug in, spoke with 65 current + former employees there, and learned some rather interesting things.
— Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) April 16, 2019
Lots of good juice in this @wired story, but this kind of says it all. When your employees are ashamed to say where they work, it's not great!
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) April 16, 2019
“At WIRED, the month after an image of a bruised Zuckerberg appeared on the cover … traffic from Facebook suddenly dropped by 90 percent, and for four weeks it stayed there.”
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) April 16, 2019
oh my god the details in this piece
— alex hern (@alexhern) April 16, 2019
1) Congrats Nick! That is a very good time.
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) April 16, 2019
2) @nxthompson also co-author, w @fvogelstein, of excellent new very tough @Wired story on Facebook and its leadership.
— CC (@ChatByCC) April 16, 2019
Scandals. Backstabbing. Resignations. Record profits. Time Bombs. In early 2018, Mark Zuckerberg set out to fix Facebook. Here's how that turned out—and of course SOROS is named.
15 months of hell at Facebook. Well worth reading from @Wired. One thing that doesn't come out so much is how, in those 15 months, the share price moved from $178 (16 Jan 2018) to $179 now. Investors are clearly more sanguine than the rest of the world.
— Stanley Pignal (@spignal) April 16, 2019
This comprehensive Wired overview of Facebook’s troubles notes how encryption & refusal to demote alt-right lies may have pushed out Chris Cox
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) April 16, 2019
We don't talk enough about how powerful members of Congress barely understand the internet
— Gene Park (@GenePark) April 16, 2019
"According to multiple Facebook employees, a handful of executives considered it a small plus, too, that the news industry was feeling a little pain after all its negative coverage." The "pain" being reduced traffic to news websites...
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 16, 2019
Maybe the proper situation to define as "fresh hell" isn't quite executives' life inside of Facebook, but, I don't know, the Facebook-fueled massacre of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar
— David Dayen (@ddayen) April 16, 2019
This piece is completely chock full with incredible facts about the last 15 months of Facebook, where things are going wrong in ways that have never before in human history been possible
— Parker Higgins (@xor) April 16, 2019
"Even if [Facebook] were to clean house today, there would be new scandals breaking for years to come, detailing old misdeeds, each slimier than the last."
— Rob Beschizza (@Beschizza) April 16, 2019
Facebook is truly shit
— Sean Keach (@SeanKeach) April 16, 2019
— Ashima Jain (@ashima_jaiin) April 17, 2019
Everything Zucky touches, he burns - also, @karaswisher and @WIRED have been harping about this ever since it happened last year.
Instagram founders fought with Zuck over Facebook integrations, says report - The Verge #Tech #TechTrends #techforgood #technologies #Technology #Innovation #news #industry #tech #companies #information #solutions #development #trends
— Shameel Qureshi (@ShameelQureshi) April 17, 2019
Facebook's scandal-ridden year gets a fresh glimpse in massive exposé.
— AnOnALLREDToDoRoJo (@ALLREDToDoRoJo) April 16, 2019
NEW ISSUE: In early 2018, Mark Zuckerberg set out to fix Facebook. The next 15 months were pure hell. This is the inside story of the harrowing stretch that fueled the company's biggest shifts ever:
— WIRED (@WIRED) April 17, 2019
this certainly deserves a chunk of your time today. lots of good nuggets and an arc of the past year and a half of FB hell from @nxthompson
— rat king (@MikeIsaac) April 16, 2019
What a terrifying and incredible read. An in-depth look into Facebook,.. from the inside.
— Sybren ? (@SybrenKooistra) April 16, 2019
And then to imagine that these guys think they are fit to decide the rules of engagement for #EUelections2019 ?
You've probably seen this linked by now, but you should definitely read it. Too many great parts to even pull a single representative quote
— Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror) April 17, 2019
For the past year, the biggest story in tech has been the meltdown and mayhem at Facebook. So @nxthompson and I dug in, spoke with 65 current + former employees there, and learned some rather interesting things.
— Fred Vogelstein (@fvogelstein) April 16, 2019
Scandals. Backstabbing. Resignations. Record profits. Time Bombs.
— WIRED (@WIRED) April 17, 2019
In early 2018, Mark Zuckerberg set out to fix Facebook. This is the inside story of how that turned out:
Amazing article. Facebook is the literal devil. Surely the Instagram creators who left should develop a competitor that isn’t as evil!?
— Sim-Wise (@SimWise) April 17, 2019
Great reporting by Wired on “15 Months of Fresh Hell Inside Facebook” :
— rands (@rands) April 16, 2019
Reading this excellent Wired piece on Facebook and it's rough 2018 and stopped cold at this paragraph: It now employs roughly as many content people as every newsroom in the US.
— Chris Krewson (@ckrewson) April 16, 2019
Our new cover story. A long investigation from me and @fvogelstein about the drama at Facebook since the beginning of 2018. And some nice emojis.
— Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) April 16, 2019
So many mixed feelings after reading this.
— meghnad (@Memeghnad) April 17, 2019