ment 4/16 '19 posted

• 지난해 말 Facebook은 Instagram 피드에 대한 수평 인터페이스를 잠깐 시도했지만, 이것은 사용자에게 매우 인기가 없었습니다.
• 페이스북은 뉴스 피드에 더 많은 광고가 있을 공간이 없다고 반복적으로 경고했습니다. 사용자들은 시청 시간을 광고주가 아직 적응하고 있는 스토리(Stories)로 옮기고 있습니다.

Facebook is testing a radically redesigned interface for its app, which sees the News Feed and…
Facebook tests merging its News Feed and Stories into a single interface []
Feed and Stories unite! Facebook is so eager to preempt the shift to Stories that it might…
Facebook prototypes a swipeable hybrid carousel of feed posts & Stories []
If Facebook implements this, rather than scroll top to…
Facebook may combine your News Feed and Stories into one carousel []
[Update: Testing confirmed] Facebook is testing changes to News Feed that combines it with…
[Update: Testing confirmed] Facebook is testing changes to News Feed that combines it with Stories []

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4/16 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/16 '19 answered

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