ment 4/16 '19 posted

• 트윗은 누출된 에피소드를 온라인으로 직접 연결 시키거나 해적판에 관한 정보를 제공하지 않았지만, Starz는 여전히 트윗을 일시적으로 제거 할 수있었습니다.
• EFF는 이 게시 중단 통지에 대한 반박을 제기했으며 "Starz는 향후 게시 중단을 철회하고 언론인을 괴롭히지 않아야한다"고 덧붙였습니다.
• "DMCA에 대해 지나치게 광범위한 해석이있는 것으로 생각합니다. 트위터가 내 트윗과 EFF의 유사한 트윗을 내리는데, 동의하는 것에 실망합니다. 분명히 침해하지 않았는데 말니다."라고 Ingram은 말했습니다.
• Starz는 TV 저작권 침해에 대한 기사와 연결된 트윗을 보고한 것에 대해 사과했습니다. 성명서에서 "미국 신들"의 에피소드가 온라인에서 유출된 것과 관련 너무 지나쳤다고 인정했습니다.

American Gods. Image: Starz Premium cable channel Starz used the Digital Millennium Copyright Act…
Twitter Removed Links to News Stories That Mentioned Leaked TV Shows []
Twitter and Starz have given us a new example of how copyright…
Twitter blocks EFF tweet that criticized bogus takedown of a previous tweet []
Starz Issues Laughably Unbelievable Excuse And Apology For Taking Down Tweets from the…
Starz Issues Laughably Unbelievable Excuse And Apology For Taking Down Tweets []
A tweet from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that complained about an abusive DMCA…
Tweet complaining about DMCA takedown abuse gets hit with DMCA takedown []
‘American Gods’: Starz Apologizes for Overzealous Copyright Enforcement "These efforts are…
Starz Apologizes for Overzealous American Gods Copyright Enforcement []
American entertainment giant Starz is continuing to remove tweets that link to a TorrentFreak news…
Starz Goes on Twitter Meta-Censorship Spree to Cover Up TV-Show Leaks (Updated) []
Update, 4/15/2019: EFF's tweet has been restored. Get ready for a tale as good as anything you’d…
EFF’s Tweet About an Overzealous DMCA Takedown Is Now Subject to an Overzealous Takedown []
Torrentfreak published an article disclosing the fact that screeners of American…
Starz abuses the DMCA to remove EFF's tweet about Starz abusing the DMCA []
A few days ago we reported on several major leaks of unreleased TV-shows. This included several…
Starz Doesn't Like News About Leaked TV-Shows, Takes Down TorrentFreak Tweet []
Starz Really, Really Doesn't Want You To Know That TorrentFreak Wrote About Leaked Shows, Or That…
Starz Really, Really Doesn't Want You To Know That TorrentFreak Wrote About Leaked Shows, Or That Anyone Tweeted About It []
Updated. Facing a backlash over overzealous copyright enforcement, Starz issued an apology on…
Starz Apologizes for Taking Down Tweets to Torrentfreak Articles []
American Gods, one of the TV shows that was leaked online and has become the subject of a DMCA…
Twitter Doesn't Want You Sharing This Link About TV Piracy []
A US TV channel has forced Twitter to remove tweets linking to a news story about pirated content…
Free speech row as US TV channel forces removal of tweets []

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4/16 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/16 '19 answered

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