ment 4/15 '19 posted

• Apple은 세부 사항을 완료하기 전에 사용자에게 "Subscription 확인" 팝업을 표시합니다.
• 올해 초 회사는 앱 구독에 대한 문서를 개편하여 개발자가 구독료 및 기타 세부 사항을 명확하게 제시해야한다고 설명했습니다.
• 그들이 iOS 13에서 보다 세련된 방식으로이 문제를 해결하기를 희망하지만, Apple은 사기 구독을 막기위한 결정적인 단계를 밟았습니다.
• 보시다시피,이 픽스는 사용자에게 구독을 확인하거나 실수로 한 가입을 취소 할 수있는 추가 팝업 상자 형태로 제공됩니다.
• Apple은 iOS에서 실수로 앱 구독료를 지불하는 것을 더 어렵게 만듭니다.

The Netherlands is investigating Apple and Google for allegedly abusing their App Store/Play Store…
The Netherlands is investigating Apple and Google for allegedly abusing their App Store/Play Store dominance []
Seemingly in an effort to combat the ongoing problem of accidental App Store subscriptions,…
Apple makes it harder to accidentally sign up for subscriptions []
Apple has introduced an extra confirmation step when App Store users purchase an app available on a…
Apple Adds Extra Confirmation Step When Purchasing Subscriptions in Apps []
Apple has added an additional pop-up screen where users can confirm that they want to pay for…
Apple adds extra step to App Store subscriptions to prevent accidental purchases []
Apple has added another step to prevent users from accidentally signing up for an iOS app’s…
Apple’s iOS will now confirm you meant to subscribe to that app []
Apple solves the accidental App Store subscription problem Image: Hoch Zwei/Corbis…
Apple solves the accidental App Store subscription problem []
Apple is making it harder to accidentally pay for an app subscription on iOS. Now, the firm has…
Apple updates the app store to prevent subscription scams []

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4/15 '19 answered

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