ment 4/15 '19 posted

• iTunes라는 막대한 대규모가 드디어 수명을 맞이하려하고있습니다.
• 해체 애플리케이션은 iPhone, iPad 및 Mac에서 원활하게 개발되고 실행될 수있는 Apple의 개발 기술인 Marzipan을 사용하게 될 것입니다.

The lumbering behemoth that is iTunes may finally be nearing the end of its life.According to…
Report: Apple to split iTunes into separate apps []
The big news this week is that this fall may finally be the beginning of the end for iTunes.…
With Music for macOS coming soon, legacy iTunes features will disappear or spread to iOS []
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. …
Apple May Break Up iTunes, Clearing Path to Dispose of Hated Application []
For a company that maintains multiple major operating systems, has its own productivity…
The iTunes break up: What will happen to our favorite features? []
Are iTunes' days numbered?A report from the website 9to5Mac claims Apple is developing standalone…
Splitting iTunes into separate apps on the Mac promises consumer win []

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4/15 '19 answered

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